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The SUPERHUB project (SUstainable and PERsuasive Human Users moBility in future cities - Co-financed by the European Commission - Grant agreement no.: 289067) provides a user-centric, integrated approach to multi-modal smart metropolitan mobility systems. It will design and test an open platform able to combine in real time all mobility offers from the relevant stakeholders together with a set of enabling mobility services able to address users mobility needs, to redesign transport route options and to foster behavioural changes.

Several partners from all over Europe are engaged in the realisation of a user-centric, integrated approach to multi-modal smart metropolitan mobility systems.


SUPERHUB promotes the creation of a new urban mobility services ecosystem, where all actors are represented and the take-up of virtuous behaviours is facilitated by the development of an open platform able to:

  • gather real-time data from all possible mobility sources
  • provide matchmaking and negotiation capabilities between providers and consumers of mobility offers for better routing decisions
  • enable the development of mobility services able to fulfil users' needs and stimulate behavioural changes.

We foresee the creation of an open platform able to combine in real time all mobility offers together with a set of enabling mobility services able to address users mobility needs, to redesign transport route options and to foster behavioural changes.