Accepted Abstracts

In this section
Accepted Abstracts
  • Ch. Babenko, R. Chapko and B.T. Johansson "On the numerical solution of a Cauchy problem for stationary heat conduction in inhomogeneous materials by a boundary integral approach"

  • B. Bin-Mohsin and D. Lesnic "A meshless numerical identification of a convective corroded boundary"

  • C.A. Bustamante, H. Power and W.F. Florez "Schwarz Alternating domain decomposition approach for the solution of high Reynolds number lid-driven cavity flow based on the Method of Approximate Particular Solutions"

  • G.C. Diwan, J. Trevelyan and G. Coates "Comparison of CHIEF and Burton-Miller approaches in collocation Partition of Unity BEM for Helmholtz problems"

  • T.M. Foster, M.S. Mohamed, J. Trevelyan and G. Coates "Real-time boundary element stress analysis"

  • A.N. Galybin "Modelling of fluid-driven crack branching at weak interfaces"

  • J.M. Granados, C.A. Bustamante, H. Power and W.F. Florez "Comparison between two local upwinding RBF collocation methods for the solution of the convection-diffusion equation"

  • P.J. Harris "A Fourier series boundary integral method for solving two dimensional radiation and scattering problems"

  • A. Hazanee and D. Lesnic "The boundary element method for solving an inverse time-dependent source problem"

  • S.O. Hussein and D. Lesnic "Boundary element method for solving an ill-posed boundary value problem for the wave equation"

  • J. Iljaz, L. Skerget and J. Marn "Dirichlet and Neumann boundary conditions for space-dependent blood perfusion estimation"

  • Jeong-Sook Im and J. Billingham "A boundary integral method for unsteady water waves confined by parallel walls"

  • A. Karageorghis, D. Lesnic and L. Marin "Boundary meshless methods for the solution of inverse problems"

  • L. Marin and A. Karageorghis "The MFS for inverse boundary value problems in linear thermoelasticity"

  • S.E. Mikhailov "Spectral Properties of United Boundary-Domain Integro-Differential Equations for Variable-Coefficient BVPs"

  • V. Mikucka and O. Menshykov "2-D elastodynamic problem for an interface crack under an oblique harmonic loading"

  • M. Menshykova and O. Menshykov "Impact loading of cracked materials: BIEs in the frequency domain"

  • D. Natroshvili "Acoustic scattering by inhomogeneous layered anisotropic obstacle"

  • C. Nieto, H. Power and M. Giraldo "A boundary integral equation formulations for thermal creep gas flows"

  • M.J. Peake, J. Trevelyan and G. Coates "Isogeometric partition-of-unity boundary integral method for acoustic wave scattering problems"

  • M. Perelmuter "BIEM analysis of structures with curvilinear bridged cracks"

  • J. Ravnik, M. A. AL-Jawary, L. Skerget and L. C. Wrobel "Boundary element formulations for numerical solution of time-dependent convection-diffusion problems with variable diffusivity and velocity"

  • D.B. Ribeiro and J.B. Paiva "Mixed FEM-BEM formulations applied to piled rafts"

  • L. Skerget and J. Ravnik "On the formulation of the subgrid-scale turbulent model by a subdomain boundary element method"

  • D. Stevens, H. Power and K.A. Cliffe "An Alternative Local Collocation Strategy for Meshless RBF PDE solutions"

  • A. Temponi, F. Valvona and A. Salvadori "Boundary element method for acoustics and elastodynamics: recent advances"

  • B. Ullah, J. Trevelyan and P.C. Matthews "A bi-directional evolutionary structural optimisation based on the level set and boundary element methods"