Smarter Choices 2

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Smarter Choices 2

SC2 - Smarter Choices Follow-on Study (for the Department for Transport)

The Department for Transport has commissioned the same team (Dr Jillian Anable, Lynn Sloman, Dr Sally Cairns, Prof Phil Goodwin and Carey Newson) which undertook the original seminal 'Smarter Choices' study in 2004 to evaluate the progress made over the past few years in the three English Sustainable Travel Demonstration Towns (Darlington, Peterborough and Worcester). The stated aims of the research are to evaluate the impact of each individual smart measure in each case study area; to assess the available evidence for the impact of the programme on traffic levels, carbon emissions and wider benefits (e.g. health); to draw conclusions on value-for-money; to look at any evidence for erosion of benefits due to induced traffic and also evidence for any synergistic effects; and to draw lessons for the delivery of large-scale smarter choices programmes elsewhere, including costs and staff resource needed. JA has been involved in data collection and is especially involved in writing the attitudes and carbon chapters of the final report as well as being responsible for quality control of the outputs.