Women in Engineering Conference 2018

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Women in Engineering Conference 2018

This is a past event

For girls aged 15-17



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Girls aged 15-17 from schools across the UK are invited to apply for a fully funded place at this unique residential conference hosted by the University of Aberdeen. The conference, which is being run in partnership with St Margaret’s School for Girls and is generously sponsored by Chevron, will provide a wonderful opportunity to explore engineering both in a university setting and in the workplace. Staying in halls of residence supervised by experienced teachers, successful applicants will benefit from a travel bursary and a highly interactive programme rich with hands-on activities and face to face contact with female engineers. A visit to the Integrated Operations Centre at Chevron’s headquarters in Aberdeen will also allow participants to interact with engineers working on and offshore.

The detailed programme of events is to be confirmed but a draft of the general outline of the conference is as follows:

Date/Time Events
Mon. 30th July, Morning

Participants arrive and register between 9 am and 11 am at the University of Aberdeen accommodation reception.

Mon. 30th July, Afternoon/Evening

Ice breaker, engineering team challenge and choice of Sport activities at Aberdeen Sports Village.

Tue. 31st July, Morning Chevron site visit including welcome breakfast with Chevron Upstream Europe Managing Director Greta Lydecker, speed mentoring with female engineers and visits to integrated operations centre and emergency response room. 
Tue. 31st July, Afternoon/Evening

Engineering team challenge with academics from University of Aberdeen, keynote speech and formal dinner.

Wed. 1st Aug., Morning  Engineering career talks from female engineers, postgraduate and undergraduate students and academics. Team presentations. Depart at 12 pm.

There are 50 places available at this conference. Candidates will be selected on the basis of their application and a school reference. Apply on or before Friday 16th February.


Ms Zaib Ahmed