Page 3 of 721 to 30 of 69 Past Events
Challenging Notions of a 'Good Practicum'
-Dr David Johnson will present as part of the School of Education Research Seminar Series.
Senior Team Maths Challenge
-This event was fully booked
The Senior Team Maths Challenge (STMC) is jointly organised by the UKMT and the Advanced Support Programme (AMSP)
The Professional Development Needs of Teacher Educators: a Scottish Perspective
-Many nations have become convinced that teaching is one of the most important school-related factors in student achievement. Teacher preparation and development are key building blocks in developing effective teachers. By association, the preparation and professional development of teacher educators is also of paramount importance.
A Social Practice Approich to Adult Literacies in Rwanda
-As part of the Festival of Social Science with Dr Aileen Ackland, Dr Peter Mtika and Professor Pamela Abbott.
Race and Racism Group
-The Race & Racism Group (RRG) is a new group dedicated to the engagement with the full range of aspects associated with race and racism. The first meeting will be taking place at the end of this Black History Month (31 October 2018).
Investigating the Role of Learner's Perceptions on a New Integrated Pedagogical Approach at the Tertiary Level in Libya
-Seham S El Saiti will be presenting a thesis investigating the role of an alternative integrated approach to learning with tertiary zoology students in Libya.
The Future of Aid: The impact of the Trump administration and of the Brexit proposal
-As part of One World Week, Dr Michael Tribe will be presenting the John Forster Memorial Lecture.
The Alexander Kielland Accident in 1980: the memory and trauma of 123 dead oil workers
-Marie Smith-Solbakken (Professor of History University of Stavanger) and Hans-Jørgen Wallin Weihe (Professor of social work and lecturer of history The Inland University of Applied Sciences) will present based on interviews with survivors and others involved with the incident along with archival research.