Gut Health

Gut Health

The Rowett Institute Gut Health theme addresses several challenges that impact on our food system to understand the complex interplay between diet and health. We have expertise in the composition and metabolism of dietary constituents including nutrients and anti-nutrients, as well as a wide range of beneficial bioactive compounds and toxic dietary metabolites. We have a strong focus on the role of the gut microbiota in maintaining our nutritional status and preventing a wide spectrum of lifestyle associated disorders (cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes and inflammatory bowel diseases).

Key objectives are to improve health through dietary strategies. This includes the development of healthy food formulations, nutraceuticals and microbiota-based therapeutics, which are tested in human interventions and can contribute towards nutritional resilience in the food supply chain.

In addition to researching new opportunities for both the local and international Food and Drink industries, our work increasingly addresses global nutritional challenges to promote an agriculturally diverse, healthy and sustainable diet.


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