The Rector of the University of Aberdeen is elected by the registered students of the University.
Their main role is to work closely with AUSA, the Students' Association to bring student concerns to the attention of University Managers. They attend University Court where all the major decisions are made.
The Rector also holds surgeries to hear about concerns and issues the student body may have and spearheads wider campaigns, both within the University and nationally, to make sure that student life at Aberdeen continues to meet the needs for all students.
Martina commenced her three-year term as Rector on 1 January 2022. Read her Manifesto
- Student Elections Committee
At present the Student Elections Committee is quorate – details below:
- Ivana Drdáková, VP Welfare (Chair)
- Miles Rothoerl, member of Student Council
- Matthew Angel, member of Student Council
Election Committee:
- Tracey Slaven (University Secretary) - Chair
- Gareth Jones (Elected Senate member)
- Diane Skatun (Elected Senate member)
- Abbe Brown (Ex Officio Senate member)
- David Mercieca (Student member of Senate)
- Nestor Carlsen-Devereux (Student member of Senate)
- Ondrej Kucerak (Student member of Senate)
Returning Officer – Ruth Taylor
- Election Timetable
Call for nominations opens
9am on Monday 25 October 2021
Call for nominations closes
1pm on Thursday 4 November 2021 but extend the deadline for supporters submission until 5pm Monday 8 November
Briefing meeting
2pm on Friday 5 November 2021 all nominations remain to be validated, and must be supported by 50 Nominations by new deadline (Wednesday 10 November at 5pm)
Electronic campaigning open
12.01pm on Monday 8 November 2021
Physical campaigning open
12.01am on Monday 15 November 2021
Election hustings
Candidate Q&A at 4pm on Monday 15 November 2021. Join on Microsoft Teams here. Do you have any questions? You can submit them by emailing
Voting opens
9am on Tuesday 16 November 2021
Voting closes
5pm on Thursday 18 November 2021
Results declared
Provisionally at 6pm on Thursday 18 November 2021
New Rector to take up office
1 January 2022
- Rules and Protocols
- Download the Election Rules
- Download the Protocol on the Roles of the Rector and Senior Governor on Court
For further information email
The Academic Registrar responsible for the organisation of the Election is Rachael Bernard, and has nominated Kyra Lamont to act on her behalf for all issues referred to in these rules. You can contact Kyra Lamont via - Interesting Facts and Historical Information
The Rector of the University of Aberdeen is an ancient post with a rich tradition and the role has been held by many esteemed people throughout the years, including Winston Churchill, Andrew Carnegie, Herbert Henry Asquith and Clarissa Dickson Wright. Our most recent Rector was Maggie Chapman (2014 - 2021).
The following document was produced by the Scottish Rectors' Group 2007 and provides some more in-depth information, including the history and role of University Rectors in Scotland, and the role of the Rector's Assessor.