Log into Pure at https://pure.abdn.ac.uk/admin
Information on Accessing Pure
Pure holds a range of research-related outcomes, impact, activities and promotes the University’s research excellence to the wider community. We encourage all researchers to maintain their Pure profile and keep Pure up to date with research outputs and activities. Keeping Pure up to date can help researchers meet government, funder, and audit requirements.
Logging in to Pure
Logging into Pure is changing over the next few weeks, while this is rolled out you may see some unusual behaviour when you log in. If you use a bookmarked link to access pure please update it to https://pure.abdn.ac.uk/admin to make sure that you minimise any issues when accessing Pure.
the current login will use the university login (username e.g. a12ab1) and password. The @abdn.ac.uk extension is not required in your username.
the new log in will use the credentials stored on your univeristy computer, but may occasioinally ask for your username and password
If you have more than one university account you may find that your content appears on an account that you do not use for research, please contact the Pure Team to discuss which account you wish to use as your primary account.
Availability of Pure
Pure is available to academic staff, honorary and visiting staff, postgraduate students and administration staff.
Academic staff should have Pure profiles aready authorised for them. If you cannot log into Pure, please contact the Pure Team.
Honorary and visiting staff will be set up with access to Pure based on the HR record, you can contact the Pure Team if you have any questions about your Pure Access.
Postgraduate students have access to Pure and their profiles will be visible on the Research Portal. If you do not have access to Pure, please contact pure-feedback@abdn.ac.uk.
Administration staff will be granted access by the Pure team. If you do not have access please email pure-feedback@abdn.ac.uk.
Access to Pure is linked to appointments in the HR record. If you leave the institution, your access to Pure will terminate and your profile will no longer be visible on the Research Portal. If you have any questions about your Pure Profile, please contact the Pure Team.
Personal User Overview
The software provider recently updated the look and feel of Pure on the personal overview screen, which presents a summary of your research and helps you access and add content in Pure. The guide below details these changes, please use this to familiarise yourself with the new personal overview page.
Additional guidance on how to add your research content can be found at Adding Content.