University academic appointed a member of Bòrd na Gàidhlig

University academic appointed a member of Bòrd na Gàidhlig

A University of Aberdeen academic has been appointed a member of Bòrd na Gàidhlig.

Professor Michelle Macleod, Personal Chair in Gaelic, was announced as one of four new board members by the Cabinet Secretary for Education and Skills, Jenny Gilruth.

Established under the Gaelic Language (Scotland) Act 2005 , Bòrd na Gàidhlig is the principal public body in Scotland responsible for promoting Gaelic development and providing advice to Scottish Ministers on Gaelic issues.

Professor Macleod has taught Gaelic and related subjects in universities in Scotland and Ireland for more than 25 years. She joined the University of Aberdeen in 2004 and was promoted to Personal Chair in Gaelic in 2019.

In addition to her teaching and research responsibilities she sits on the University's Gaelic Language Plan Advisory Group and has held various leadership roles at the University, including most recently as Director of the Confucius Institute.

She currently sits on the British Academy/University Council for Languages Strategic Committee for Languages in Higher Education and was one of three Future of Languages Research Fellows funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council, where her work considered how research could support the policy ambitions for the UK’s indigenous languages.

Professor Macleod has also conducted research into Gaelic literature, theatre, second language acquisition and community language planning.

Professor Macleod said: “I am honoured to accept this appointment by the Scottish Government to become a member of Bòrd na Gàidhlig. There have been many great initiatives to support the Gaelic language over recent years, and I am looking forward to building on these and working with the Bòrd as a new National Gaelic Language Plan and a Scottish Languages Bill are launched to help secure the future of Gaelic for generations to come.”


Chaidh sgoilear à Oilthigh Obar Dheathain a shuidheachadh mar Bhall de Bhòrd na Gàidhlig.

Chaidh a chur an cèill le Rùnaire a’ Chaibineit airson Foghlam agus Sgilean, a’ Bh-uas Jenny NicGilleRuaidh, gun deach an t-Àrd Oll. Michelle NicLeòid ainmeachadh mar aon de cheathrar Buill ùra de Bhòrd na Gàidhlig.

Air a stèidheachadh fo Achd na Gàidhlig (Alba) 2005, ’s e Bòrd na Gàidhlig am prìomh bhuidheann phoblach ann an Alba le uallach airson cor na Gàidhlig a thoirt air adhart agus a bhith a’ toirt comhairle do Mhinistearan na h-Alba air cùisean Gàidhlig.

Tha an t-Àrd Oll. NicLeòid air Gàidhlig is cuspairean ceangailte ris a’ chànan a theagasg aig oilthighean ann an Alba is Èirinn son còrr air 25 bliadhna. Thàinig gu Oilthigh Obar Dheathain ann an 2004 agus fhuair i àrdachadh a bhith na h-Àrd Ollamh na Gàidhlig ann an 2019.

A bharrachd air na h-uallaichean teagaisg agus rannsachaidh aice, tha i na ball air Buidheann-comhairleachaidh Plana Gàidhlig an Oilthigh agus tha grunn dreuchdan stiùiridh air a bhith aice aig an Oilthigh, nam measg an-dràsta na Stiùiriche air an Institiùd Chonfucius.

Tha i an-dràsta a’ suidhe air a’ Chomataidh Ro-innleachdail son Cànain ann am Foghlam Àrd-ìre aig Acadaimidh Bhreatainn/Comhairle Chànain nan Oilthigh agus b’ i aon de thriùir Cho-eòlaichean Rannaschaidh Chànain a chaidh a mhaoineachadh le Comhairle Rannsachaidh nan Ealainean is Daonnachdan far na bheachdaich an obair aice air mar a b’ urrainn rannsachadh taic a chur ri amasan poileasaidh chànain tùsanach na Rìoghachd Aonaichte.

Rinn an t-Àrd Oll. NicLeòid rannsachadh air litreachas is tèatar na Gàidhlig, togail dara chànain is planadh cànain coimhearsnachd.

Thuirt an t-Àrd Oll. NicLeòid: “Tha e na urram dhomh gabhail ris an tairgse seo bho Riaghaltas na h-Alba a bhith nam bhall air Bòrd na Gàidhlig. Tha iomadh iomairt làidir air a bhith ann airson taic a chumail ris a’ Ghàidhlig thar nam bliadhnaichean, agus tha mi a’ dèanamh fiughar ri bhith a’ togail orra seo agus a bhith ag obair leis a’ Bhòrd fhad ’s a chuirear air dòigh Plana Cànain Nàiseanta Gàidhlig ùr agus Bile Chànanan na h-Alba a chuideachas ann a bhith a’ dìon na Gàidhlig airson ginealaichean ri teachd.”

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