


We have recevied funding from EPSRC, the Leverhulme Trust, Institut Laue Langevin, the Carnegie Trust, Commonwealth Scholarship Commission, Chief Scientist Office, Royal Society, Royal Commission of the Exhibition of 1851, Medical Research Scotland, Scottish Enterprise, Royal Thai Government.icons of fundign bodies among others EPSRC, MRS



We are always keen to engage with researchers within our fields of interest. Within the UK we have built strong connections with materials groups in St Andrews University, Edinburgh University, Warwick University and the instrument scientists at the STFC funded neutron and muon facility, ISIS. Further afield, we have ongoing ties with activities at CNRS research facilities in Bordeaux, Lille, Orleans and at the Institut Laue Langevin (France).

Knit the Elements

Jan Skakle setting out the different knitted elements  The completed periodic table knitted by the public

Professor Jan Skakle launched the “Knit the elements project” where members of the public across the country knitted different elements which were then arranged into the periodic table to mark the International Year of the Periodic Table as shown above.