BSc(Hons), MSc.Econ, PhD
Professor in Epidemiology
- About
- Email Address
- gareth.jones@abdn.ac.uk
- Office Address
- School/Department
- School of Medicine, Medical Sciences and Nutrition
Gareth is a non-clinical epidemiologist. He trained in epidemiology at the University of Manchester in the Arthritis Research Campaign Epidemiology Unit. He moved to the University of Aberdeen in 2005. He is currently Professor in Epidemiology, and deputy head of the Epidemiology Group. He is also currently chair of the School Ethics Review Board (SERB), for the School of Medicine, Medical Sciences and Nutrition.
Memberships and Affiliations
- Internal Memberships
Chair of School Ethics Review Board (SERB), School of Medicine, Medical Sciences and Nutrition.
- External Memberships
- Research
Research Overview
Gareth's research interests centre on the aetiology, outcome, and management of arthritis and other musculoskeletal conditions, with a major focus on musculoskeletal pain, fibromyalgia, axial spondyloarthritis and psoriatic arthritis.
He has experience in various observational and interventional epidemiological studies, and as part of the Epidemiology Group's developing 'Drug and Disease Registries' Programme, he is:
- Chief investigator of the British Society for Rheumatology Psoriatic Arthritis Register (BSR-PsA)
- Deputy chief investigator of the British Society for Rheumatology Biologics Register for Ankylosing Spondylitis (BSRBR-AS), and
- One of the chief investigators of the British Society for Antimicrobial Chemotherapy's UK Antimicrobial Register (UKAR).
He has published over 140 research papers, editorials, reviews, and book chapters. See: list of publications.
Centre of Excellence for Musculoskeletal Health and Work
Gareth is one of the principal investigators in the Centre of Excellence for Musculoskeletal Health and Work, funded by Versus Arthritis and the Medical Research Council. The centre brings together different academic institutions across the UK, with interest and expertise in rheumatic and musculoskeletal disease - specifically in relation to work and occupation outcomes.
British Society for SpondyloArthritis (BRITSpA)
Gareth is an Executive Committee member of BRITSpA, an organisation focused on advancing research and treatment of axial spondyloarthritis and other spondyloarthropathies.
EuroSpA Research Collaboration Network
As Chief Investigator of the British Society for Rheumatology Psoriatic Arthritis Register (BSR-PsA), and one of the lead investigators of the British Society for Rheumatology Biologics Register for Ankylosing Spondylitis (BSRBR-AS), Gareth is a member of the EuroSpA Research Collaboration a network of rheumatologists and scientists from 17 European countries that have spondyloarthritis and/or psoriatic arthritis registries.
Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) Network
Gareth has been involved in the CRPS network for over 10yrs. The network brings together clinicians and scientists with an interest in CRPS from all over the UK and Ireland, and hosts the UK CRPS registry.
- Teaching
Teaching Responsibilities
Postgraduate research students
I have recently supervised PhD students in a number of different areas, including: (i) Fatigue as a co-morbidity of musculoskeletal disease: aetiology and response to treatment; (ii) Epidemiology and outcome of ankylosing spondylitis; (iii) Methodological issues in epidemiological studies of musculoskeletal pain; (iv) Epidemiology and outcome of distal arm pain; and (v) Benzodiazepines and Z-drugs prescribing patterns over time.
For current PhD vacancies, please see here.
Also, in recent years, I have supervised several MSc students, in areas such as: (i) Pregnancy outcomes in axial spondyloarthritis; (ii) The association between low birthweight / premature birth and adult chronic widespread pain; (iii) The reproducibility of pain manikins: a comparison of paper versus online questionnaires; and (iv) The effectiveness of activity promoting games (e.g. WiiFit) can reduce the risk of falls in the elderly.
University curriculum
Gareth lectures on the Epidemiology module of several Masters programmes at the university: (i) Masters of Public Health; (ii) MSc in Global Health and Management. In addition he lectures in Epidemiology, as part of the PgCert in Research Methods for Health and is Epidemiology tutor for the MBChB Special Study Module in Population Health.
External courses
Course coordinator and lecturer on the week-long Intensive Course in Applied Epidemiology. This course has been run in Aberdeen since 2007, having previously been run for around 15 years at the University of Manchester. The course is always rated very highly, and delegates travel from all over the world, with recent attendees from as far afield as the Far East, South America and Australia. For further details and / or to register for the current course please contact epidemiology@abdn.ac.uk.