Professor Donald Hislop

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Professor Donald Hislop
Professor Donald Hislop
Professor Donald Hislop

Personal Chair

Email Address
Telephone Number
+44 (0)1224 273148
Office Address

Room 829, MacRobert Building

Business School


Professor in the Sociology of Work and Technology in the Business Management Department.


I have been working in Aberdeen Since January 2019. Prior to this I worked in the School of Business and Economics at Loughborough University (2007-2018).


I have research interests in two broad areas. Firstly, I am interested in the relationship between technology and work and how worker's use of new technologies shapes the character of their work. I currently have a primary interest in how artificial intelligence and robots are shaping managerial, professional and service work. I also have an ongoing interest in the work-related use of mobile communication technologies, particularly with respect to business travel. My second area of research interest is into the social-cultural aspects of knowledge management, being concerned with the factors shaping worker's willingness to engage in knowledge management activities

External Memberships

I am an editor for the journal Work, Employment and Society


I am on the editorial board of he journals: Human Relations, and New Technology, Work and Employment.


I am an academic Fellow in the CIPD


I have been an external examiner at a range of UK universities including: Warwick Business School, Leeds University Business School, Essex University Business School, Queen Mary Business School University of London, Durham University Business School


Teaching Responsibilities

I am currently involved in teaching three modules. BU5577 Managing Human Resources, at the Aberdeen Campus, QB5501 Managing Human Resources and QB5506 Managing People at Work, in Qatar


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Books and Reports

Chapters in Books, Reports and Conference Proceedings

Contributions to Conferences

Contributions to Journals