The Inform Prize
The Inform Prize is an annual competition where students design apps that help overcome a real-world problem before presenting it to a group of industry figures.
The MEng Computing Science is a five-year integrated Master's degree which combines our four-year BSc Computing Science with an additional year of postgraduate level study. The extra year allows you to build on your strengths in solving real-world problems while further developing your expertise in areas including artificial intelligence, machine learning and cybersecurity.
The MEng Computer Science is a 5-year integrated Master's degree which combines undergraduate and postgraduate study into a single degree programme. The additional year allows you to develop a distinctive edge, with advanced courses in high-demand areas including artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning and cybersecurity.
The MEng is a great option therefore if you are looking to work in an advanced technical role in the computer industry or to pursue a PhD or research career.
Computing Science at Aberdeen encompasses both the theory and the practice of computing with particular emphasis on developing your technical analysis, design and programming skills. You will study topics including software programming, databases and data management, computer systems, AI and cyber security and learn to apply your technical and creative problem skills to a wide variety of commercial, scientific and socio-economic contexts.
Our teaching reflects how advances in computing are constantly transforming how we live, learn, work and socialise – from how we detect and treat disease or analyse business, scientific or social data to how we make online shopping easier and more secure.
You will be taught by leading researchers whose work in multi-agent systems, natural language generation, machine learning and blockchain underpins what you will learn in your lectures.
Our teaching is also heavily informed by our strong links with industry organisations, who support our students through guest lectures and seminars as well as prizes (including for example Amazon, CGI and ScotlandIS). You can also undertake a placement during your studies, which is an excellent opportunity to gain first-hand professional experience.
NOTE: Honours programme may only be taken by full-time study.
This course, which is prescribed for level 1 undergraduate students (and articulating students who are in their first year at the University), is studied entirely online, takes approximately 5-6 hours to complete and can be taken in one sitting, or spread across a number of weeks.
Topics include orientation overview, equality and diversity, health, safety and cyber security and how to make the most of your time at university in relation to careers and employability.
Successful completion of this course will be recorded on your Enhanced Transcript as ‘Achieved’.
15 Credit Points
This course will be delivered in two halves. The first half will provide a self-contained introduction to computer programming. It will be accessible to all undergraduates. Students will be exposed to the basic principles of computer programming, e.g. fundamental programming techniques, concepts, algorithms and data structures. The course contains lectures where the principles are systematically developed. As the course does not presuppose knowledge of these principles, we start from basic intuitions. The second half will be particularly of use to those studying Science and Engineering subjects, broadly interpreted, as well as Computing and IT specialists. It will include a gentle introduction to professional issues and security concepts.
15 Credit Points
This course will introduce students to techniques that support problem solving and modelling with computers, and concepts and methods that are fundamental to computing science. The techniques and concepts will be illustrated with numerous computing examples.
15 Credit Points
This course introduces the concepts of complex numbers, matrices and other basic notions of linear algebra over the real and complex numbers. This provides the necessary mathematical background for further study in mathematics, physics, computing science, chemistry and engineering.
15 Credit Points
Students will learn to develop modern web applications using a variety of languages and frameworks as part of their degree, and prepare them for whatever they do after graduation. A key focus will be on the integration of HTML with CSS and Javascript with other backing frameworks to develop dynamic applications. The course is open to all undergraduates, and is accessible to those with no previous experience.
Select one of the following:
Plus 30 credit points from choices of course.
15 Credit Points
Combinatorics is the branch of mathematics concerned with counting. This includes counting structures of a given kind (enumerative combinatorics), deciding when certain criteria can be met, finding "largest", "smallest", or "optimal" objects (external combinatorics and combinatorial optimization), and applying algebraic techniques to combinatorial problems (algebraic combinatorics). The course is recommended to students of mathematics and computing science.
15 Credit Points
Set theory was introduced by Cantor in 1872, who was attempting to understand the concept of "infinity" which defied the mathematical world since the Greeks. Set Theory is fundamental to modern mathematics - any mathematical theory must be formulated within the framework of set theory, or else it is deemed invalid. It is the alphabet of mathematics.
In this course we will study naive set theory. Fundamental object such as the natural numbers and the real numbers will be constructed. Structures such as partial orders and functions will be studied. And of course, we will explore infinite sets.
15 Credit Points
This course is concerned with tools and techniques for scalable and dependable software programming. It focusses primarily on the Java programming language and related technologies. The course gives extensive programming practice in Java. It covers in depth features of the language and how best to use them, the execution model of the language, memory management, design principles underpinning the language, and comparisons with other languages. Tools for collaboration, productivity, and versioning will also be discussed.
15 Credit Points
Databases are an important part of traditional information systems (offline /online) as well as modern data science pipelines. This course will be of interest to anyone who wishes to learn to design and query databases using major database technologies. The course aims to teach the material using case studies from real-world applications, both in lectures and lab classes.
In addition, the course covers topics including management of different kinds of data such as spatial data and data warehousing. The course provides more hands-on training that develops skills useful in practice.
15 Credit Points
This course looks at why a computer system that interacts with human beings needs to be usable. It covers a set of techniques that allow usability to be taken into account when a system is designed and implemented, and also a set of techniques to assess whether usability has been achieved. Weekly practical sessions allow students to practice these techniques. The assessed coursework (which is normally carried out by groups of students) gives an opportunity to go through the design process for a concrete computer system, with a particular focus on ensuring usability.
Plus, select a further 45 credit points from courses of choice (if not Direct entry).
Direct Entry only
15 Credit Points
Students will learn to develop modern web applications using a variety of languages and frameworks as part of their degree, and prepare them for whatever they do after graduation. A key focus will be on the integration of HTML with CSS and Javascript with other backing frameworks to develop dynamic applications. The course is open to all undergraduates, and is accessible to those with no previous experience.
15 Credit Points
The course provides an introduction to Artificial Intelligence (AI). It discusses fundamental problems of AI and their computational solution via key concepts.
15 Credit Points
Students will develop large commercial and industrial software systems as a team-based effort that puts technical quality at centre stage. The module will focus on the early stage of software development, encompassing team building, requirements specification, architectural and detailed design, and software construction. Group work (where each team of students will develop a system selected using a business planning exercise) will guide the software engineering learning process. Teams will be encouraged to have an active, agile approach to problem solving through the guided study, evaluation and integration of practically relevant software engineering concepts, methods, and tools.
15 Credit Points
This course discusses core concepts and architectures of operating systems, in particular the management of processes, memory and storage structures. Students will learn about the scheduling and operation of processes and threads, problems of concurrency and means to avoid race conditions and deadlock situations. The course will discuss virtual memory management, file systems and issues of security and recovery. In weekly practical session, students will gain a deeper understanding of operating system concepts with various programming exercises.
15 Credit Points
This course discusses core concepts of distributed systems, such as programming with distributed objects, multiple threads of control, multi-tire client-server systems, transactions and concurrency control, distributed transactions and commit protocols, and fault-tolerant systems. The course also discusses aspects of security, such as cryptography, authentication, digital signatures and certificates, SSL etc. Weekly practical sessions cover a set of techniques for the implementation of distributed system concepts such as programming with remote object invocation, thread management and socket communication.
15 Credit Points
In this module, which is the follow-up of CS3028, students will focus on the team-based development of a previously specified, designed, and concept-proofed software system. Each team will build their product to industrial-strength quality standards following an agile process and applying the software engineering concepts, methods, and tools introduced in CS3028. The course includes a series of mandatory participatory seminars on professional and management issues in IT and IT projects. Students will be expected to relate their engineering work to these issues.
15 Credit Points
This course provides insight into the business reasons for large software systems such as loyalty card systems, backend systems integrating firms and their suppliers and larges systems that integrate payroll, finance and operational parts of a business. You also learn the entrepreneurial aspects of business during the practical sessions where you explore and develop your own business application idea using service design and lean startup approaches centred around customer development, which you will find useful in any future work. This course is open to anyone across the university and requires no programming experience.
Select 30 credit points from courses of choice.
15 Credit Points
In this course, you will conduct an individual research project into the behaviour of a computing system. You will develop knowledge and understanding of rigorous methods to: explore computing system behaviour; identify questions about behaviour; design experiments to answer those questions; analyse experimental results; and report on the outcomes of your research. You will develop your understanding of research ethics and how this relates to professional behaviour.
60 Credit Points
Consists of a supervised project which provides experience of investigating a real problem in computing science, or a computing application/technology. Learners will apply knowledge and skills gained earlier in their degree programme, and seek to go even further. Managing the project and presenting the results obtained are an integral part of the investigation.
15 Credit Points
The course provides a solid foundation in computer and information security. It will cover topics of Information and Risk, Threats and Attacks, Cybersecurity Architecture and Operations, Secure Systems and Products, Cybersecurity Management and Trustworthy Software.
15 Credit Points
This course provides an introduction to machine learning and data mining. Students will learn how to analyse complex datasets by applying data pre-processing, exploration, clustering and classification, time-series analysis, neural networks, and many other techniques. This course is particularly suitable for those who are interested in working as data analysts or data scientists in the future.
Plus 15 credit points from courses of choice to gain 120 credit points.
60 Credit Points
Consists of a supervised project that provides experience of investigating a real problem in computing science, or a computing application/technology. Presenting the results obtained is an integral part of the investigation.
Select 60 credit points from any four level 5 Computing Science courses, see list below:
15 Credit Points
This course presents the fundamental concepts of Cyber Security, including but not limited to cryptography, network protocols, access control, authentication, security management and web security. This course provides students with the Cyber Security principles for continuing learning and working in the area of Cyber Security.
15 Credit Points
This course will cover emerging technologies in cybersecurity such as Software-defined Networking (SDN), Internet of Things (IoT), and Blockchain. It will deliver the role of emerging technologies in cyberspace, what impact we will have on our legacy system and how we can remain agile and efficient. The course will provide a foundation for identifying the significance of technological advancements and cybersecurity issues, and challenges raised in adapting the 5G & beyond network.
15 Credit Points
A major contributing factor to cyber risk is the lack of well-designed cybersecurity architecture that protects against ever-evolving cyber-attacks. A well-designed architecture provides a streamlined workflow for security and non-security practitioners, along with increasing the robustness of an organisation’s cybersecurity. In this course you will gain the advance knowledge to develop, design and analyse security solution architectures to meet your organisation's cybersecurity objectives.
15 Credit Points
This course provides an introduction to the analysis of cybersecurity data. It will show how to use tools and methods from data science and machine learning to perform such analysis. Broader issues at the interface of security and privacy with AI will be discussed.
15 Credit Points
This course presents the fundamental techniques of Artificial Intelligence, used in system such as Google Maps, Siri, IBM Watson, as well as industrial automation systems, and which are core to emerging products such as self-driving vehicles. This course will equip the student to understand how such AI technologies operate, their implementation details, and how to use them effectively. This course therefore provides the building blocks necessary for understanding and using AI techniques and methodologies.
15 Credit Points
This course will deliver the most sophisticated Machine Learning methodologies and algorithms which would be illustrated across a wide range of applications including but not limited to images, videos, health, time series data, language processing, etc. This course provides students with the Machine Learning principles for continuing learning and working in the area of Data Science and Artificial Intelligence.
15 Credit Points
One of the biggest challenges in Artificial Intelligence is evaluating how well AI systems work. This course will provide students of our MSc in AI with knowledge of core evaluation concepts, approaches, tools, techniques and technologies; we will also look at software testing of AI systems.
15 Credit Points
This course will allow students to use cutting-edge AI technologies to investigate the creation and application of AI systems. Such tools include deep learning libraries and simulation environments.
We will endeavour to make all course options available. However, these may be subject to change - see our Student Terms and Conditions page.
Students are assessed by any combination of three assessment methods:
The exact mix of these methods differs between subject areas, year of study and individual courses.
Honours projects are typically assessed on the basis of a written dissertation.
The University of Aberdeen is delighted to offer eligible self-funded international on-campus undergraduate students a £6,000 scholarship for every year of their programme.
View the Aberdeen Global ScholarshipThe information below is provided as a guide only and does not guarantee entry to the University of Aberdeen.
SQA Highers
Standard: AABB (Mathematics and Physics or Engineering Science required*)
Applicants who achieve the Standard entry requirements over S4 and S5 will be made either an unconditional or conditional offer of admission.
A Levels
Standard: ABB (AB required in Mathematics, plus at least one from Physics, Design & Technology, Engineering or Chemistry). Applicants who are predicted to achieve the Standard entry requirements are encouraged to apply and may be made a conditional offer of admission.
International Baccalaureate:
Minimum of 34 points including Mathematics and Physics at HL (6 or above)
Irish Leaving Certificate:
Five subjects at Higher, with 4 at H2 and 1 at H3. H2 or above in Mathematics and H3 or above in Physics required.
* FOR CHEMICAL OR PETROLEUM ENGINEERING: Please note: For entry to Chemical or Petroleum Engineering an SQA Higher or GCE A Level or equivalent qualification in Chemistry is required for entry to year 1, in addition to the general Engineering requirements.
SQA Highers
Standard: AABB (Mathematics and Physics or Engineering Science required*)
Applicants who achieve the Standard entry requirements over S4 and S5 will be made either an unconditional or conditional offer of admission.
A Levels
Standard: ABB (AB required in Mathematics, plus at least one from Physics, Design & Technology, Engineering or Chemistry). Applicants who are predicted to achieve the Standard entry requirements are encouraged to apply and may be made a conditional offer of admission.
International Baccalaureate:
Minimum of 34 points including Mathematics and Physics at HL (6 or above)
Irish Leaving Certificate:
Five subjects at Higher, with 4 at H2 and 1 at H3. H2 or above in Mathematics and H3 or above in Physics required.
* FOR CHEMICAL OR PETROLEUM ENGINEERING: Please note: For entry to Chemical or Petroleum Engineering an SQA Higher or GCE A Level or equivalent qualification in Chemistry is required for entry to year 1, in addition to the general Engineering requirements.
The information displayed in this section shows a shortened summary of our entry requirements. For more information, or for full entry requirements for Engineering degrees, see our detailed entry requirements section.
To study for an Undergraduate degree at the University of Aberdeen it is essential that you can speak, understand, read, and write English fluently. The minimum requirements for this degree are as follows:
IELTS Academic:
OVERALL - 6.0 with: Listening - 5.5; Reading - 5.5; Speaking - 5.5; Writing - 6.0
OVERALL - 78 with: Listening - 17; Reading - 18; Speaking - 20; Writing - 21
PTE Academic:
OVERALL - 59 with: Listening - 59; Reading - 59; Speaking - 59; Writing - 59
Cambridge English B2 First, C1 Advanced or C2 Proficiency:
OVERALL - 169 with: Listening - 162; Reading - 162; Speaking - 162; Writing - 169
Read more about specific English Language requirements here.
You will be classified as one of the fee categories below.
Fee category | Cost |
RUK | £9,535 |
Tuition Fees for 2025/26 Academic Year | |
EU / International students | £24,800 |
Tuition Fees for 2025/26 Academic Year | |
Self-funded international students commencing eligible undergraduate programmes in 2025/26 will receive a £6,000 tuition waiver for every year of their programme - See full terms and conditions | |
Home Students | £1,820 |
Tuition Fees for 2025/26 Academic Year |
Students from England, Wales and Northern Ireland, who pay tuition fees may be eligible for specific scholarships allowing them to receive additional funding. These are designed to provide assistance to help students support themselves during their time at Aberdeen.
View all funding options in our Funding Database.
The employment record of our graduates is excellent, with the vast majority entering occupations of their choice within three months of graduation. Our graduates have taken up posts in sectors as diverse as banking, pharmaceuticals and computer game development. Recent employers include IBM, Amazon, BP, ConocoPhillips, Hewlett Packard, EDS, CGI, Wipro, Scottish Hydro Electric, Scottish & Newcastle Breweries, British Telecom, QinetiQ and the National Health Service.
Find out about the experts you will be taught by.
You will be taught by a range of experts including professors, lecturers, teaching fellows and postgraduate tutors. However, these may be subject to change - see our Student Terms and Conditions page.
The Aberdeen Software Factory is a student-run software house. Students can gain experience working on larger software projects and benefit from work experience, while clients will benefit from a flexible, cost effective solution to suit their needs.
Find out morePlacements are encouraged and available within a range of computing firms - summer months, between second and third year, or between third and fourth year.
Discover Uni draws together comparable information in areas students have identified as important in making decisions about what and where to study. You can compare these and other data for different degree programmes in which you are interested.