Business Management and Sociology at Aberdeen is a perfect partnership to add to your thorough grounding in business, organisations and ‘people’. The programme offers an in-depth exploration of how society shapes us as individuals in different ways – helping us to understand ourselves, our relationships with others and the challenges we face in a changing world.
Study Information
At a Glance
- Learning Mode
- On Campus Learning
- Degree Qualification
- MA
- Duration
- 48 months
- Study Mode
- Full Time
- Start Month
- September
- UCAS Code
- LN32
In Business Management, you will gain a wide perspective and thorough grounding in all areas of business, including skills in accountancy and statistics. Your knowledge will be developed in the dynamic, international environment of our Business School where there are 45 nationalities, small class sizes and where teaching is delivered by leading figures in the fields of business practice and theory, corporate finance and organisational change. Your learning will be supported by dedicated careers advisers.
In Sociology, you will study topics as wide-ranging as work-life balance, sociology of the family, religion and society. You will also become skilled in the social research methods used to better understand different aspects of society - for example, observation, interviews, large-scale surveys, or analysing the content of documents and videos. You will be taught by academic staff with international reputations for conducting high-quality research in religion and secularisation, conflict and peace, social movements and global political sociology.
This subject combination will give you great skills in thinking critically and posing probing questions – skills which have tremendous value to employers across the public, private and third sectors, with career paths including management, marketing and advertising, journalism, local and national government, social and market research, teaching, health services, social work, charities and human resources.
What You'll Study
- Year 1
Compulsory Courses
- Academic Writing for Business (AW1003)
This compulsory evaluation is designed to find out if your academic writing is of a sufficient standard to enable you to succeed at university and, if you need it, to provide support to improve. It is completed on-line via MyAberdeen with clear instructions to guide you through it. If you pass the evaluation at the first assessment it will not take much of your time. If you do not, you will be provided with resources to help you improve. This evaluation does not carry credits but if you do not complete it this will be recorded on your degree transcript.
- Getting Started at the University of Aberdeen (PD1002)
This course, which is prescribed for level 1 undergraduate students (and articulating students who are in their first year at the University), is studied entirely online, takes approximately 5-6 hours to complete and can be taken in one sitting, or spread across a number of weeks.
Topics include orientation overview, equality and diversity, health, safety and cyber security and how to make the most of your time at university in relation to careers and employability.
Successful completion of this course will be recorded on your Enhanced Transcript as ‘Achieved’.
- Managing Organizations (MS1009)
15 Credit Points
The aim of this course is to introduce students to the fundamentals of management, the internal structure and processes of organisations. Students will understand the main functions of management, what management is, what managers do and the factors that influence behaviour and performance of managers and other employees within an organisation.
The course will introduce a range of theories, research and real-life illustrations of a diverse range of management practices and organisational behaviour. The course will cover areas of: Staffing, Groups and Teams, Leadership and Management, Human Resource Management, Organisational Structure, Culture and Change, Communication, Marketing, Branding and Organisational Processes.
- The Economics of Business and Society (EC1006)
15 Credit Points
This course is an introductory course in microeconomics where we study the decision making of individual actors (consumers, employees, firms, governments, etc.) in an economy. Actors must make decisions about behaviours because they face scarce resources, but often they find that trading with other actors in markets can increase the wellbeing of all parties. This course models and examines the nature of these interactions, highlighting when they work well and when they fail to increase wellbeing and what might be the solution to these failures.
- Introduction to Sociology I: Self, Identity & Society (SO1007)
15 Credit Points
Sociology is the study of human social groups. It particularly focuses on modern societies, analysing how they work and how the major social institutions in them (such as religion, the media, government and the economy) operate. The course provides students with a general introduction to the unique manner in which sociologists seek to understand contemporary societies. Students are presented with current and classical approaches to understanding the social processes that underlie self-construction, group formation and social interaction, within urbanizing and globalizing social contexts.
- Accounting and Entrepreneurship (AC1517)
15 Credit Points
The course provides an understanding of how organisations, particularly small businesses, capture, create and use accounting information both to guide their own activities and to communicate their financial performance and financial position to parties external to themselves. It develops knowledge and understanding of accounting, accounting techniques and accounting information, so that students become informed users of accounting data and information, not creators of that data and information.
- Introduction to Sociology II: Systems of Power (SO1509)
15 Credit Points
This course is an introduction to macro-sociology, which analyses the ways that people’s lives are shaped by large-scale forces, structures, and institutions. Students are introduced to the particular ways in which classical and contemporary sociologists understand social forces in the modern domestic and global environment and learn to think critically about those social forces that impact their everyday lives using the sociological imagination. Substantive topics likely to be covered in this course include the media, politics, religion, surveillance, education, class stratification, international inequalities, and the relationship between humans and other animals.
Optional Courses
Plus further credit points from courses of choice to gain a total of 120 credits.
- Year 2
Compulsory Courses
- Marketing (MS2006)
15 Credit Points
This course provides students with an overview of the underpinning concepts of marketing, and the requirements for the development of a market oriented organisation. Specifically introduces the basic concepts of buyer behaviour, market research, the marketing mix and the strategic context of marketing. The linkages between marketing and other key functional areas of management, notably operations and human resource management are highlighted by this course, encouraging the adoption of a systems perspective.
- Sociology of Everyday Life i: the Embodied Self (SO2006)
30 Credit Points
This follows on from level-one sociology. It is designed to highlight the ways that sociological theory informs the research endeavour, not only the questions sociologists raise, but also the particular modes through which we go about investigating them. The module examines these points in relation to a range of micro-level topics – the body, food and feeding, health and illness, the emotions, group behaviour, sex and gender, the life course and death and dying – all of which emphasise the nature of human interaction and sociological efforts to understand it.
- Operations Management (MS2511)
15 Credit Points
Operations is the part of management that considers processes rather than people and focuses on the organisation rather than its environment.
We study processes and process types: when we produce goods or provide services through projects, jobs, batches or by mass production or mass services. We study layout–how facilities are arranged–, capacity and inventory–how much we can make and when to store–, supply chains, project management, quality and improvement.
The course considers theories such as lean and just-in-time but also practice. You will need a calculator besides the ability to write reports.
- Understanding Statistics (PO2508)
15 Credit Points
This course aims to provide students with an understanding of statistical concepts and methods relevant to accounting, management, finance, real estate and economics. The course is intended to enable students
i) To understand the principles of descriptive statistics, index construction, statistical inference, correlation, regression and time series analysis
ii) To apply statistical techniques to the analysis of accounting, business and economic issues and interpret findings
iii) To identify important sources of data in accounting, business and economics
- Sociology of Everyday Life II: Global Issues in the 21st Century (SO2509)
30 Credit Points
This macro-sociology course extends students’ understanding of large-scale social, as well as political and economic, processes and institutions. Particular focus is on the sociological analysis of global issues and socio-political controversies, many of which are subject to topical and, at times, contentious debate at the beginning of the 21st century. The substantive topics include areas of social and political concern such as globalisation; the changing nature of economy, work and leisure; risk and insecurity; multiculturalism; food production and security; social movements; nationalism and identities.
Optional Courses
Plus 15 credit points from courses of choice.
- Year 3
Compulsory Courses
Choose one of the following:
- Thinking Sociologically (SO3066) OR Sociology of Religion (SO3070)
- Social Research Methods (SO3524) OR Ten Sociological Studies (S03568)
- Thinking Sociologically (SO3066)
30 Credit Points
Thinking Sociologically is the department's core sociological theory module. The course offers our students an introduction to a range of key sociological thinkers and bodies of thought, both classical and contemporary, that inform sociological analysis of social life and social institutions. As such, this course is intended to provide our honours students with a conceptual 'toolkit', that can be applied to facilitate understanding, insight and informed critique with respect to a broad range of historical and contemporary social, political and economic phenomena.
- Sociology of Religion (SO3070)
30 Credit Points
This course provides students with an introduction to the sociological imagination as applied to the topic of religion. While the focus is on religion, it uses religion as means of thinking about core sociological concepts and key social processes, as well as the challenges to studying the world sociologically. We will discuss the key dimensions of religious belief, practice and institutions, and what we can learn from these that can be adapted and applied to other kinds of beliefs, practices and institutions.
- Social Research Methods (SO3524)
30 Credit Points
Sociologists use a range of methods and techniques to explore and test sociological theory. This module introduces many of these methods and techniques. It aims to ground students’ theoretical understanding of society through the practical analysis of a variety of data. It starts by introducing the varying philosophical starting points of research and goes on to provide foundation level critical analysis skills in the key quantitative and qualitative methods that sociologists have deployed to understand and ‘capture’ the social world.
- Ten Sociological Studies (SO3568)
30 Credit Points
This course bridges the theoretical emphasis of SO3066 and the methodological elements of SO3524. It presents sociology as a social science by having students examine and discuss in detail ten reports of sociological research. The goal of the course is to highlight the different ways sociological research combines theory and methods to examine and explain specific phenomena, events, or experiences of the world. Each of the ten studies will be chosen by one of the Sociology staff and present theoretical and methodological ideas and approaches that staff members use in their own work or believe to be pivotal to sociological research. Students will be required to read all ten of the chosen publications in preparation for the course each week.
Optional Courses
Plus 60 credit points from level 3 courses in Business Management listed below.
NOTE: If you intend to take your dissertation in Business Management in level 4 you must take Research Methods for Business (MS3553) in level 3.
- Research Methods for Business (MS3553) is normally a prescribed course for students who intend to take their dissertation in Business Management. However, the Business Management Teaching & Learning Convenor has approved Social Research Methods (SO3524) as an equivalent research methods course, which will be accepted as a pre-requisite for the Dissertation in Business Management. Students on this degree programme are not required to take (MS3553).
- Research Methods for Business (MS3553)
30 Credit Points
This course introduces students to what is involved in undertaking research into business phenomena. It introduces philosophical issues in the theory of knowledge, ethical issues in research conduct, and considers quantitative and qualitative methods in turn, addressing issues in sampling and design, details of specific approaches, and considerations in data analysis. The course is taught through weekly lectures and an extended two hour tutorial every fortnight, with two pieces of coursework. The emphasis throughout is on understanding the conceptual underpinning of different methods, and their strengths and limitations in research.
- Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility (MS3056)
30 Credit Points
What is Business Ethics and why should we care? There is an impression amongst many that Business and Ethics are opposed ideas. This course seeks to address these issues. Exploring Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility, tracing its historical origins through to current practice within organizations and the impact on the wider world. The course covers the fundamental question of what ethics is, granting a context for wider discussion. It looks at why ethics is relevant in the business world today and does so through traditional lectures and interactive learning such as the debates that have proven popular with students.
- New Venture Development (MS3058)
30 Credit Points
Entrepreneurship skills are highly important to current economy and they are required to reach higher levels of economic growth and innovation. It is also widely believed that increased levels of entrepreneurship can be reached through, especially, entrepreneurship education. Therefore, this course help students build fundamental blocks that essential to embarking on an entrepreneurial venture.
- Understanding the Consumer (MS3551)
30 Credit Points
This theoretically informed and practical course aims to explore the key concepts and theories of consumer behaviour. Students will explore: the consumer as an individual (understanding motivations, psychographics, demographics and cognitive processes) and social and group aspects of consumer behaviour (the role of friends, family and reference groups). The course uses interactive lecture sessions and tutorial activities to encourage students to reflect both on theory and their own experiences as consumers. The course will be very useful for those interested in marketing and market research careers.
- Human Resource Management (MS3554)
30 Credit Points
This course provides an in-depth examination of key theories and concepts in Human Resource Management (HRM) and demonstrates how these concepts can be applied in practice, using relevant case studies. Key themes to be covered include important HRM issues like the link between strategy and HRM, organizational design, team and organizational performance, employee relations, the strategic aspect of compensation and other emerging trends in HRM (life-work balance; virtual organizations and teleworking)
- Year 4
Compulsory Courses
Choose one of the following:
- Dissertation in Management Studies (MS4540)
- Research Project (Sociology) (SO4068) and (SO4568) part 2. AND Business Strategy (MS4536)
- Dissertation in Management Studies (MS4540)
30 Credit Points
Students in this course conduct independent research under the guidance of a supervisor. They can select their own dissertation topic or choose one of a range of topics offered by staff within Management Studies. Students undertake a qualitative and/or quantitative piece of empirical research and produce a dissertation at the end of the process. This course provides them with an opportunity to develop a range of generic and research-specific skills including critical thinking, argumentation, writing, time management, review of literature, research design, and data analysis.
- Research Project Part 1 (SO4068)
30 Credit Points
This course is the first of two courses that comprise the Dissertation in Sociology. This first course affords students an opportunity to apply their sociological knowledge and research skills to an individual piece of research, focusing on a topic selected by the student and ethically approved by their Supervisor. Over the course of SO4068, with guidance from a member of staff, the project student will formulate an appropriate research question(s), conduct a critical literature review of relevant material, select appropriate research methods and prepare appropriate data collection tool(s) in order to commence their (online) research by the end of this course. Students will also get the opportunity to reflect on their presentation skills and prepare a 5-minute Panopto video on their project design for peer review. Particular emphasis will be given to helping students develop time management skills, a key transferable skill.
- Business Strategy (MS4536)
30 Credit Points
This course is about business strategy and covers a broad range of topics that come under the general heading of “Business Strategy” or “Strategic Management”. The course has been designed to help you gain an understanding of the key areas of strategic management including an understanding of: what strategic management is and why it is important; the different types of strategic analysis tools available; the difference between corporate, business and functional strategy; the complex issues associated with the implementation of strategy; the concept of strategic fit; and the role for strategic leadership in shaping and implementing strategy.
- Research Project Part 2 (SO4568)
30 Credit Points
In this course, project students, guided by regular staff supervision, build on the foundations developed in SO4068 to conduct their original research and deliver their conclusions in two formats. All students will present their developing work to peers in a multi-day student conference early in the semester and submit a final report of their work (i.e. project dissertation) at the end of the course.
Optional Courses
Plus further credit points from Honours course(s) in Business Management and level 4 course(s) in Sociology (from the list below) to gain a total of 60 credits in each discipline:
- Sociology of Religion & Culture (SO4058)
- Animals and Society (SO4065)
- Peace, Conflict, and Society (SO4070)
- Political Sociology (SO4554)
- Sex, Death and the Afterlife (SO4565)
- Contemporary Perspectives on Race and Ethnicity (SO4571)
NOTE: You are required to gain a minimum of 90 credit points from level 4 courses.
- Understanding and Managing Behaviour in Organisations (MS4053)
30 Credit Points
This course is concerned with managing and understanding organisational behaviour. Organisational behaviour is one of the most complex and perhaps least understood academic elements of modern general management but since it concerns the behaviour of people within organisations it is also one of the most central. This course designed to prepare students for what lies within organisations, thus avoiding the 'reality shock'. The emphasis will be on real-life rather than theoretical examples although wherever appropriate theory will be grounded in practical examples.
- Understanding and Managing Change (MS4048)
30 Credit Points
There are many jobs available every year in the consultancy sector and preparing to apply for one requires knowledge, skill and experience demonstrated to your future employer. This course is intended to introduce you to the work of management consultants and identify the competencies you will require to apply for a career in consultancy. The course will include group presentation work which will be assessed by your tutors (who have both been consultants) and past students who have are now employed in consultancy who will advise you on how best to apply for a position in this important sector.
- Business Strategy (MS4536)
30 Credit Points
This course is about business strategy and covers a broad range of topics that come under the general heading of “Business Strategy” or “Strategic Management”. The course has been designed to help you gain an understanding of the key areas of strategic management including an understanding of: what strategic management is and why it is important; the different types of strategic analysis tools available; the difference between corporate, business and functional strategy; the complex issues associated with the implementation of strategy; the concept of strategic fit; and the role for strategic leadership in shaping and implementing strategy.
- European Societies (SO4051)
30 Credit Points
The course aims to give an overview of European issues and current debates. It provides a deeper insight into how European issues affect our lives and why this matters. It addresses current issues of concern such as Brexit, migration, Coronavirus, family and work in comparative perspective. In doing so it blends together sociological and social policy approaches.
- Sexualities and Gender Diversity (SO4072)
30 Credit Points
This course provides students with theoretical and empirical understanding of sexualities and gender diversity in contemporary societies, paying particular attention to the historical conditions that have shaped how we conceptualise and experience sexualities and genders today. By mapping interconnections between wider power relations, and individual identities and bodies, it examines the intersectional ways in which sexualities and gender diversity are expressed, represented, and regulated.
- Politics and Religion (SO4557)
30 Credit Points
Religion inspires political action, pervades national identities, and shapes political regimes. Afghanistan, Iraq, Ukraine, Nigeria, Mali, Syria; the conflicts in these countries all involve religious differences. Religion may be in decline in the West but even in Europe there are arguments about the proper place of religion and about religious exemptions from general laws. In the USA religious conservatives use the courts, state legislatures and Congress to fight against abortion and gay rights. Taking a very broad view of politics, this course examines the links between religion and politics.
- Social Inequality (SO4569)
30 Credit Points
Inequality permeates all aspects of social life and structure. This course focuses on the major sociological approaches to the study of social inequality. Emphasising historical, social, and political processes, it utilises social science data and theory to explore key patterns and consequences of inequality in Scotland and beyond. In addition to examining distribution of income, it also focuses on occupational and class hierarchies, power conflicts, racial, ethnic, and gender inequality, poverty, social mobility, and inequality of educational opportunities.
We will endeavour to make all course options available. However, these may be subject to change - see our Student Terms and Conditions page.
How You'll Study
Learning Methods
- Individual Projects
- Lectures
- Research
- Tutorials
Assessment Methods
Students are assessed by any combination of three assessment methods:
- Coursework such as essays and reports completed throughout the course.
- Practical assessments of the skills and competencies they learn on the course.
- Written examinations at the end of each course.
The exact mix of these methods differs between subject areas, years of study and individual courses.
Honours projects are typically assessed on the basis of a written dissertation.
Why Study Business Management and Sociology?
- Study at a top UK University for Business and Management (11th) in the most recent major league tables (The Complete University Guide 2021)
- Business Management at Aberdeen provides an opportunity to study Management on its own or alongside one of a large number of the other disciplines taught at the University.
- Aberdeen is known as being the oil and gas capital of Europe and the industry has a high demand for Business Management graduates. The University's close links to international companies will improve your career prospects.
Aberdeen Global Scholarship
The University of Aberdeen is delighted to offer eligible self-funded international on-campus undergraduate students a £6,000 scholarship for every year of their programme.
View the Aberdeen Global ScholarshipEntry Requirements
The information below is provided as a guide only and does not guarantee entry to the University of Aberdeen.
General Entry Requirements
- 2024 Entry
SQA Highers
Standard: AABB
Applicants who have achieved AABB (or better), are encouraged to apply and will be considered. Good performance in additional Highers/ Advanced Highers may be required.
Minimum: BBB
Applicants who have achieved BBB (or are on course to achieve this by the end of S5) are encouraged to apply and will be considered. Good performance in additional Highers/Advanced Highers will normally be required.
Adjusted: BB
Applicants who achieve BB over S4 and S5 and who meet one of the widening access criteria are guaranteed a conditional offer. Good performance in additional Highers/Advanced Highers will be required.
More information on our definition of Standard, Minimum and Adjusted entry qualifications.
Standard: BBB
Minimum: BBC
Adjusted: CCC
More information on our definition of Standard, Minimum and Adjusted entry qualifications.
International Baccalaureate
32 points, including 5, 5, 5 at HL.
Irish Leaving Certificate
5H with 3 at H2 AND 2 at H3.
Entry from College
Advanced entry to this degree may be possible from some HNC/HND qualifications, please see for more details.
- 2025 Entry
SQA Highers
Standard: BBBB
Applicants who have achieved BBBB (or better), are encouraged to apply and will be considered. Good performance in additional Highers/ Advanced Highers may be required.
Minimum: BBC
Applicants who have achieved BBC at Higher and meet one of the widening participation criteria above are encouraged to apply and are guaranteed an unconditional offer for MA, BSc and BEng degrees.
Adjusted: BB
Applicants who have achieved BB at Higher, and who meet one of the widening participation criteria above are encouraged to apply and are guaranteed an adjusted conditional offer for MA, BSc and BEng degrees.
We would expect to issue a conditional offer asking for one additional C grade at Higher.
Foundation Apprenticeship: One FA is equivalent to a Higher at A. It cannot replace any required subjects.
More information on our definition of Standard, Minimum and Adjusted entry qualifications.
Standard: BBC
Minimum: BCC
Adjusted: CCC
More information on our definition of Standard, Minimum and Adjusted entry qualifications.
International Baccalaureate
32 points, including 5, 5, 5 at HL.
Irish Leaving Certificate
5H with 3 at H2 AND 2 at H3.
Entry from College
Advanced entry to this degree may be possible from some HNC/HND qualifications, please see for more details.
The information displayed in this section shows a shortened summary of our entry requirements. For more information, or for full entry requirements for Arts and Social Sciences degrees, see our detailed entry requirements section.
English Language Requirements
To study for an Undergraduate degree at the University of Aberdeen it is essential that you can speak, understand, read, and write English fluently. The minimum requirements for this degree are as follows:
IELTS Academic:
OVERALL - 6.0 with: Listening - 5.5; Reading - 5.5; Speaking - 5.5; Writing - 6.0
OVERALL - 78 with: Listening - 17; Reading - 18; Speaking - 20; Writing - 21
PTE Academic:
OVERALL - 59 with: Listening - 59; Reading - 59; Speaking - 59; Writing - 59
Cambridge English B2 First, C1 Advanced or C2 Proficiency:
OVERALL - 169 with: Listening - 162; Reading - 162; Speaking - 162; Writing - 169
Read more about specific English Language requirements here.
Fees and Funding
You will be classified as one of the fee categories below.
Fee category | Cost |
RUK | £9,535 |
Tuition Fees for 2025/26 Academic Year | |
EU / International students | £20,800 |
Tuition Fees for 2025/26 Academic Year | |
Home Students | £1,820 |
Tuition Fees for 2025/26 Academic Year |
Additional Fees
- In exceptional circumstances there may be additional fees associated with specialist courses, for example field trips. Any additional fees for a course can be found in our Catalogue of Courses.
- For more information about tuition fees for this programme, including payment plans and our refund policy, please visit our Tuition Fees page.
Scholarships and Funding
UK Scholarship
Students from England, Wales and Northern Ireland, who pay tuition fees may be eligible for specific scholarships allowing them to receive additional funding. These are designed to provide assistance to help students support themselves during their time at Aberdeen.
Aberdeen Global Scholarship
The University of Aberdeen is delighted to offer eligible self-funded international on-campus undergraduate students a £6,000 scholarship for every year of their programme. More about this funding opportunity.Funding Database
View all funding options in our Funding Database.
There are many opportunities at the University of Aberdeen to develop your knowledge, gain experience and build a competitive set of skills to enhance your employability. This is essential for your future career success. The Careers and Employability Service can help you to plan your career and support your choices throughout your time with us, from first to final year – and beyond.
- More information on employability at the University of Aberdeen
- More information on the Careers and Employability Service
Our Experts
Information About Staff Changes
You will be taught by a range of experts including professors, lecturers, teaching fellows and postgraduate tutors. However, these may be subject to change - see our Student Terms and Conditions page.
Discover Uni
Discover Uni draws together comparable information in areas students have identified as important in making decisions about what and where to study. You can compare these and other data for different degree programmes in which you are interested.
Get in Touch
Contact Details
- Address
Student Recruitment & Admissions
University of Aberdeen
University Office
Regent Walk
AB24 3FX