ELIR 4: 2018

ELIR 4: 2018

The QAA undertakes a rolling 5-year programme of Enhancement-led Institutional Review (ELIR) of all HEIs in Scotland.The main focus of ELIR method is to review an institution's approach to improving the student learning experience. It also examines an institution's ability to secure the academic standards of its awards and to manage the quality of the learning opportunities it provides for its students.

The University underwent ELIR 4 during academic year 2018-2019. The Planning Visit took place the week of 8 October 2018, with the main Review Visit being the week of 19 November 2018.  

ELIR Steering Group

Preparation for the review, including production of the Reflective Analysis and Advance Information Set, was overseen by an ELIR Steering Group comprising:

  • Vice-Principal (Learning and Teaching), Chair
  • Dean of Quality Enhancement and Assurance
  • Deans of Learning and Teaching (undergraduate and postgraduate taught)
  • Deputy Academic Registrar
  • Education Officer, Aberdeen University Students' Association

ELIR Documentation

The ELIR 2018 Reflective Analysis (RA) is available here . The latest QAA review report can be read on the QAA website.


The Final ELIR action plan is available here.

The ELIR Method

ELIR reviews are carried out by a team of six reviewers: one student reviewer, one international reviewer, three senior UK-based academic reviewers and one coordinating reviewer.

Institutions undergoing ELIR submit a self-evaluation document called a Reflective Analysis (RA) and one or more case studies which should illustrate the institution's approach to self-evaluation and /or the effectiveness of its management of change. The ELIR team uses this documentation and initial meetings with staff and students to develop themes for exploration during the review visits.

At the end of the review, the ELIR team produces its report, and an overarching judgement on the current and likely future effectiveness of the institution's arrangements for managing academic standards and enhancing the quality of the student learning experience.

Institutions must also produce Follow-up Reports one year after the publication of the ELIR Panel's report and judgement.