Investment Committee

Investment Committee

Remit: (To be reviewed annually at first meeting of committee cycle)

Responsible for:

  • On behalf of the Policy and Resources Committee and Trustees of the Development Trust, manage investment policy, including objectives and restrictions in the management of funds invested.
  • To undertake the tendering for external investment management and/or advisory services, as appropriate, and to recommend the terms of appointment, including remuneration.
  • To set a long-term investment strategy including benchmarks and targets for the investment managers and/or advisors.
  • To monitor and review the sustainable investment policy in line with the wider University strategy and objectives.
  • To review and hold approval over the investment recommendations made by the investment advisors.
  • To monitor the performance of the investment advisors and/or managers in line with set reporting requirements.
  • To review the performance of the investments in line with set reporting requirements.
  • To submit quarterly reports, and periodic reports if appropriate, to the Senior Management Team, Policy and Resources Committee and Development Trust via the Chief Financial Officer.
Convener     Court / Finance and Resourcing Committee Member
Membership Court / Finance and Resourcing Committee nominee
  2 x Development Trust Trustee representatives
  Chief Financial Officer
  AUSA SAbbatical Officer
  2 x External Member with professional investment experience
In attendance   Assistant Director, Financial Accounting
    Other University Officers, as appropriate

50% of formal membership (including Convener)