Academic Policy and Regulations Group (APRG)

Academic Policy and Regulations Group (APRG)



A meeting of the Academic Policy and Regulations Group will be held on Monday 9 September 2024 at 15:05 via Microsoft Teams and Committee Room 2.

Kyra Lamont, Administrative Officer

Clerk to the Academic Policy and Regulations Group




1. Approval of the Minute of the APRG held on 2 May 2024 (APRG/090924/001)
2. Matters Arising (APRG/090924/002)
3. APRG Remit & Composition (APRG/090924/003)
  Members of the Group are invited to discuss the APRG Remit & Composition document for academic year 24-25
4. Annual Monitoring  
  Members of the Group are invited to discuss and approve the updated Annual Course Review Proformas:
  (i) Annual Course Review Proforma (APRG/090924/004)
  (ii) Annual Course Review Proforma (Short) (APRG/090924/005)
5. Resolution for Changes in Regulations for Various Degrees (APRG/090924/006)
  Members of the Group are invited to discuss and approve the changes in regulations
6. Transition to the new QAA Quality Code  
  Members of the Group will be provided with an update on the transition to the new QAA Quality Code for information.
7. QAA Quality Code Mapping  
  Members of the Group are invited to discuss and approve amendments made to the Quality Code in respect of:
  (i) Section 2: Assessments (APRG/090924/007)
  (ii) Section 3: Concerns, Complaints and Appeals (APRG/090924/008)
  (iii) Section 6: External Expertise  (APRG/090924/009)
8. Date of Next Meeting  
  The next meeting of the Group will be held on Wednesday 16 October 2024 at 14:05 via Microsoft Teams  and Committee Room 2

Any member of the Committee wishing an item for routine approval or for information to be brought forward for discussion may ask at the meeting for that to be done.  Any such item will be taken after item 1.

Declaration of interests: Any member and individual in attendance (including Officers) who has a clear interest in a matter on the agenda should declare that interest at the relevant meeting, whether or not that interest is already recorded in the Registry of Member’s interests.



Previous Agendas
2023 - 2024
2022 - 2023

The Academic Policy and Regulations Group shall:

  • Be responsible, on behalf of the Quality Assurance Committee (QAC), for the development and regular review of University educational policy and regulations relating to undergraduate, postgraduate taught and taught elements of postgraduate research provision and for referring new policy and revisions to existing policies to QAC for approval;
  • Ensure that the University’s education policies and regulations align with the QAA Quality Code, the wider Academic Infrastructure, legal compliance (e.g. equality, diversity and inclusion) and other external reference points, as appropriate;
  • Ensure that new policy and regulations are effectively communicated to all relevant stakeholders in a suitably accessible way for the different audiences; 
  • Undertake such other functions as may be referred to the Committee by the Quality Assurance Committee.

Members’ Responsibilities:

Each member of the committee will contribute actively to discussions to inform the development, implementation and review of University policies and regulations.

Composition and Membership

Chair: Faye Hendry

Clerk: Kyra Lamont



Interim Chair:   Member of Quality Assurance Committee



Four academic members, drawn from the Quality Assurance Committee, ensuring an appropriate disciplinary spread.

Two representatives nominated by the President of the Students’ Association.


In attendance:    

Clerk (Academic Services)

Administrative Officer and Clerk to QAC


Quorum:                          50%

Member of Quality Assurance Committee Education (Chair) Faye Hendry
Dean of Quality Steven Tucker
Member of Quality Assurance Committee Vacant
Member of Quality Assurance CommitteeI Vacant
Member of Quality Assurance Committee Selma Carson
Vice Presidence for Education (AUSA) Miles Rothoerl
Representative (AUSA) Vacant
In Attendance
Administrative Officer and Clerk to QAC Liam Dyker
Clerk Kyra Lamont


2023 - 2024
2022 - 2023
2023 - 2024
2022 - 2023