Submission and Examination of Theses

Submission and Examination of Theses

Flowchart for thesis submission and examination 

Below are links to forms and documents that you need to complete in order to submit your thesis.  More detail about the examination process can be found in section 13 of the Academic Quality Handbook.

Notice of Intention to Submit

Not less than one month before your intended date of submission, and four months before intended graduation, you must give notice in writing to the Registry of your intention to submit a thesis. The Intention to Submit Thesis form can be downloaded.

Guidance on Submission of Theses

The library publishes a guidance note on the submission of research theses. This provides information on the submission process, formatting requirements for University of Aberdeen theses, and details of the oral examination process.

As of AY 2022/23, all theses will be submitted via Turnitin. Guidance on this process can be found here.

Sitting down to write your thesis is an intimidating prospect, but help is out there. As with much of your PhD, your best source of support will be your supervisor. He or she will want you to produce a high quality thesis on time. However, there are some other excellent sources of information:


  • The Writers Toolkit - an online resource to help you and your research to be the best that you can be on paper.
  • Writing and Presenting Your Thesis or Dissertation- A guide to crafting, implementing and defending a thesis or dissertation, by Joseph Levine, Michigan State University.
  • How to Write a PhD Thesis - Helpful tips on how to write a thesis, originally written for graduate students in physics by Joe Wolfe, University of New South Wales.