

The University of Aberdeen has developed a Research Governance Handbook which provides a framework for research ethics and governance which applies to all disciplines across the University.  The framework clearly sets out the University’s expectations from all researchers throughout the institution and the administrative structures within which they operate, with the intention of ensuring that the University achieves the highest standards of research governance accountability and responsibility.  The Framework is reviewed on an annual basis.

The University defines research as:

Any form of disciplined enquiry which aims to contribute towards a body of knowledge or theory.

Further information on University level research governance is available here.

The University also has a repository for overarching documentation on research governance.  This can be found here.

Institutional Training in Research Ethics and Governance

The University is committed to ensuring that all researchers (staff and research students) receive appropriate training in relation to research ethics and governance as part of its over-riding commitment towards staff development and to achieving the highest standards of research governance.

Online training modules have been developed for staff and research students, and contain information on the key generic issues which underpin research ethics and governance and are applicable to all disciplines.  All research staff and students are strongly encouraged to complete the appropriate module. 

Further details, including a link to the training modules, are available here.