Grampian Laboratory Outcomes Morbidity and Mortality Study (GLOMMS)

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Grampian Laboratory Outcomes Morbidity and Mortality Study (GLOMMS)

The Grampian Laboratory Outcomes Morbidity and Mortality Study incorporates 2 cohorts (I and II) from the Grampian adult population resident in 2003 with several years of follow-up. The first has case-note review of ~3400 patients with CKD, this is linked to laboratory data and routine healthcare admission data, renal replacement therapy (RRT) requirements and mortality data. The second is for ~70,00 individuals across the spectrum of renal disease (including ~20,000 with chronic kidney disease (CKD) and ~20,000 with normal kidney function) - these are again linked to routine healthcare data to give information on kidney function, comorbidities and major health care events over time.

Research on the GLOMMS cohorts has contributed to a better understanding of chronic kidney disease and is starting to help with an understanding of what is important in those who suffer episodes of acute kidney injury.

Building a platform for improving renal care: Grampian Renal Observatory . Aberdeen Applied Renal Research Collaboration (Prof Corri Black, Dr Angharad Marks, Ms Lynn Robertson, Dr Gordon Prescott, Dr William Simpson, Dr Nick Fluck, and Grampian DaSH)