Page 1 of 1Results 1 to 8 of 8, 09 - 29 April 2024
Addressing health inequality in randomised trials
Moderna, the company behind one of the UK’s COVID vaccines, has been speaking to members of under-served communities and others, including Aberdeen’s Prof Shaun Treweek and one of our public contributors, Noura El Masri, about how to address inequality in clinical trials. This has led to an approach called ACT– Accessible;...
New Researcher Access Service launched in Scotland
Katie Wilde, Head of Digital Research & Grampian Data Safe Haven Director, was delighted to attend the launch of the Researcher Access Service. This new service, provided by Research Data Scotland (RDS), is to help speed up and simplify access to public sector data for research.
Advancing Healthcare Rising Star Award for Clarisse de Vries
Congratulations to Dr Clarisse de Vries who was awarded the UK Advancing Healthcare Awards (2024) Rising Star Award at the celebratory lunch and ceremony today in Park Plaza Victoria, 239 Vauxhall Bridge Road, London. The Advancing Healthcare Awards recognise and celebrate the work of allied health professionals, healthcare scientists and those...
Identifying predictors of cognitive performance in an Aberdeen birth cohort
Seminar delivered by Dr Holly Spence, Research Fellow at the University of Aberdeen
Annual Academic Development Symposium
Toni Gibson and Emily Cleland, IAHS Teaching Fellows and Work-Based Placement in Applied Health Sciences Course Co-ordinators, shared insights in a panel discussion entitled 'Inclusion and Internationalisation' at the 2024 University of Aberdeen Annual Academic Symposium. Their focus was on the meaningful international experiences provided by the Work-Based Learning courses that...
Double award winner at the Principal's Excellence Awards 2024
Fantastic news that Dr Lucia D’Ambruoso won two awards at yesterday’s Principal's Excellence Awards ceremony! Lucia is winner of the Outstanding Research Award and joint winner of the Interdisciplinary Research Award. Congratulations to Lucia and to everyone in the team who was nominated and shortlisted for this year's Principal's Excellence Awards. A huge thank you...
Principal's Excellence Awards 2024
Congratulations again to everyone who was nominated this year and good luck to all our shortlisted nominees: Excellence in Leadership Award - Katherine (Kate) O'Sullivan Excellence in Partnership Working Award - Katie Wilde Outstanding Team - Grampian Data Safe Haven (DaSH) Excellence in Contribution to a Team or Role Award - Antonietta Chaliou, Irmina Zborowska Outstanding Research Awards - Lucia...
HSRU's Emma Berry awarded the Elizabeth Russell Fellowship
Emma joined HSRU as a Research Fellow on the Elizabeth Russell (ER) Fellowship in February 2024. In this role, she is working on writing academic papers from the findings of her PhD work and exploring funding opportunities for a post-doctoral fellowship. She recently finished a PhD which was also based in...