Page 1 of 1Results 1 to 6 of 6, 03 - 28 August 2015
Three University projects shortlisted for Scotland's premier company creation competition
Three new companies to be spun out of research at the University of Aberdeen have been shortlisted for Scotland's premier company creation competition, with a student start-up also nominated in the social enterprise category.
Converge Challenge 2015
The MIME team have made it to the Top 10 in the Converge Challenge 2015!
Update on Mellow Babies: Project extension agreed to 30/06/2016
Update on Mellow Babies: Project extension agreed to 30/06/2016 Mellow Babies has been extended to allow for further recruitment of mothers and babies into the trial. There is strong commitment from the South Eastern Health and Social Care Trust and the local Research and Development Management to support this. We are...
Mellow Parenting: systematic review and meta-analysis. Paper now published online
Mellow Parenting: systematic review and meta-analysis of an intervention to promote sensitive parenting. ANGUS MACBETH1 , JAMES LAW2, IAIN MCGOWAN3, JOHN NORRIE4, LUCY THOMPSON5,PHILIP WILSON5 1 School of Health in Social Sciences, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh; 2 School of Education, Communication and Language Sciences, Newcastle University, Newcastle;3 School of Nursing, Ulster University,...
CRH PhD Student Fiona Sim has second paper published
CRH PhD student Fiona Sim has succeeded in getting her excellent paper published in Research in Developmental Disabilities: Development of a triage tool for neurodevelopmental risk in children aged 30 months
MIME Research Fellow features on HIE website
Dr Alasdair Mort recommends the Highlands and Island Enterprise/BioCity Pathfinder Accelerator Programme