Professor Roger Buckland

Professor Roger Buckland
Professor Roger Buckland
Professor Roger Buckland

MA (Cantab) MBA (IoE) MPhil (York)

Emeritus Professor

Email Address
Office Address

care of: Aberdeen University Business School

Business School


Professor Buckland held the University's Established Chair in Accountancy from 1993 to 2015.  Previously he held posts at the department of Economics and Related Studies, University of York, England and at the Aston Business School, University of Aston, Birmingham, England.  He has held visiting posts at the Kedge Business School, Bordeaux, France and at the Institute of Public Utilities, Michigan State University.

He continues to research and consult, particularly in regulatory concenrrs in public utilities and in the financial sector; he also has long-standing interests in Higher Education management.


Research Overview

Economic Regulation of Public Utilities

Financial Services Regulation

Higher Education Management

Current Research

Regulated disclosure of risks in utilities; the scale and pricing of regulatory risk in network utilities; governance and performance in universities; strategy formulation in universities.