Page 1 of 2Results 1 to 10 of 13, 20 - 31 July 2023
Professor appointed to esteemed global Church commission
A University of Aberdeen Professor has been re-elected to the most senior ecclesial theological body in the world.
'World-class' study highlights CCUS potential for North Sea 'super basin'
A research study led by the University of Aberdeen has identified areas of a North Sea gas 'super basin' with the greatest potential for storing industrial carbon emissions, a key aim of the energy transition.
Faye dives into the World Para Swimming Championships
After first jumping into the pool at five years old, swimmer Faye Rogers hasn't looked back.
Groundwater pollution remains elevated in River Ythan catchment but on track for recovery
Groundwater nitrate levels in the River Ythan catchment continue to breach environmental limits in some areas and pose a threat to local wildlife in the Ythan estuary, a new study has found.
University shortlisted for sustainability research initiatives
Two transformative initiatives from the University of Aberdeen have been shortlisted for a prestigious sustainability award.
New software tool to enable faster repairs to energy infrastructure
A new software tool that could enable a significant reduction in the time it takes to create engineering models for oil and gas platform and pipeline repairs has been developed by scientists at the University of Aberdeen, working with digital asset management solutions provider GDi Ltd.
Aberdeen archaeologist assists in recovery of fallen WW2 soldiers
A University of Aberdeen archaeologist has been part of a team of specialists involved in the recovery of World War Two casualties from the Owen Stanley Mountain Range, Papua New Guinea.
WayWORD Festival returns for fourth instalment
Now in it's fourth year, the student and youth-led festival will run from 19-24 September (and beyond!) with a vibrant offering of literary cross-arts events at the University's Old Aberdeen campus as well other locations in the city. All events in the programme are free to attend.
Law School welcomes Baltimore and Maryland students as long-standing summer school returns
The University of Aberdeen Law School has once again opened its doors to students from the USA as part of its Baltimore/Maryland Summer School.
Digital Museum lets visitors explore Yup'ik life in the past with help from local community today
Extraordinary archaeological discoveries from a frozen 16th century Alaskan village on the shores of the Bering Sea can now be viewed online for the first time.