Page 1 of 2Results 1 to 10 of 18, 20 - 29 May 2019
U.S. Senators visit University in carbon capture and conversion technology showcase
Carbon capture and conversion technology pioneered by a spin-out company formed at the University of Aberdeen was the focus of a visit by an influential group of U.S. Senators and Scotland's Energy Minister yesterday.
Stunning video shows how 'earliest Pictish fort' could have looked
A stunning video, based on research by the University of Aberdeen, has revealed what one of the earliest known Pictish forts may have looked like.
100 day countdown for new International Study Centre
In 100 days the first cohort of students will begin learning in the new International Study Centre (ISC) which helps overseas students to access higher education at the University of Aberdeen.
Honorary Degree Awarded to Professor Tim Ingold
Festivities in Rovaniemi lasted over three days with Professor Ingold dressed up with white tie and tails, top hat and a sword.
May Fest '19 Underway!
The University of Aberdeen will welcome thousands of visitors this weekend to the seventh annual May Festival.
Aberdeen's famous bestiary helps bring prestigious Getty exhibition to life
The Aberdeen Bestiary, one of the most beautiful examples of its kind in the world, has left the UK for the first time since its creation more than 800 years ago to take centre stage at an exhibition in Los Angeles.
Post-Roman societies of Northern Scotland
New book published by a team from Archaeology at Aberdeen University. Available to order now. Proceeds going to The Tarbat Discovery Centre.
University research celebrated at Going Global conference
Pan-European research collaborations involving the University of Aberdeen were highlighted as part of a conference held in Germany to celebrate partnerships between UK and German universities.
Aberdeen premier for renowned composer's first requiem
The Aberdeen premiere of the first requiem by renowned royal composer and University of Aberdeen professor, Paul Mealor, will take place at St Machar's Cathedral on Saturday May 25.
Festival - Traditional Singing Weekend at Cullerlie 26-28 July 2019
Festival will celebrate the singing traditions of Scotland, England, and Ireland in memory of Tom and Anne Reid. Bookings close 19 July 2019.