Behaviour Change Workshop

Behaviour Change Workshop

Behaviour Change Workshop, 30th October 2014. Hosted by The Scottish Government at the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Programme pdf

Slide presentations

Dr Julia Allan
Prompting Healthy Food Choices: What Does Health Psychology Tell Us? pdf

Dr Andrew Barnes
What influences behaviour change in relation to food production:
evidence of effective interventions. pdf

Dr Steven Brown
Summary of key points pdf

Quentin Clark
A retail perspective on promoting behaviour change in food and drink consumption and production pdf

Dr Simone Cerroni
Rural Businesses: Summary of Key Points pdf

Dr Flora Douglas
How easy is it to make healthy food choices in Scotland? pdf

Dr Alex Johnstone
Promoting behaviour change in food and drink consumption and production: Identifying future priorities: What does the evidence tell us? pdf

Mary Lawton
Promoting Behaviour Change - Manufacturers Perspective pdf

Prof Anne Ludbrook
Prompting healthy food choices: what does economics tell us? pdf

Dr Paul Mayfield
Local Food, Threats and Opportunities. pdf

Prof Julian Mercer
Behaviour change: easy to say but can we help?
What are we dealing with at the physiological/mechanistic level? pdf

Heather Peace
The Scottish Diet: Where we are now? pdf

Workshop handouts