We are a very international School, with staff from over 14 countries. We have diverse backgrounds in terms of age, disability, ethnicity, gender identity, LGBTQ+ identity, and neurodiversity. Staff in our School are actively working on decolonising the curriculum alongside leading neurodiversity and LGBTQ+ working groups which aim to promote inclusion in our research, teaching, and community.
Enquiries can be sent to the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Chair: Dr Clare Sutherland.
- Dr Clare Sutherland - Chair
I'm the Chair of the School of Psychology Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) committee and also our School's Athena Swan lead. I sit on the University's Gender Equality Steering Group and I have recently taken on a new role as EDI representative on the committee of the UK Experimental Psychology Society . My research also looks at gender stereotyping and other biases in impression formation and I have a keen personal interest in promoting equality.
- Dr Doug Martin - Head of School
I am currently the Head of the School of Psychology. As an experimental social psychologist, I have a long-standing interest in EDI as much of my research examines gender stereotypes and the influence they exert on individual people and on society. I am committed to trying to improve equality and diversity in psychology, Higher Education, and society more generally; I chaired the School of Psychology EDI committee from 2016-2021, leading the School to two successful Athena SWAN awards and I am now a member of the British Psychological Society's EDI Strategy Board. I am passionate about disseminating psychology research beyond the traditional confines of academe, particularly through documenting the influence of social bias.
- Dr Maria-Grazia Cascio - Senior Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Partner
I'm the Senior Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion Partner at the University of Aberdeen.
After a career in the Research field, in 2014 I was appointed Athena Swan Coordinator to leading work aimed at advancing gender equality within Higher Education. Currently I am the clerk and active member of the University Race Equality Strategy Group which oversees the antiracism journey at the University of Aberdeen.
- Dr Madge Jackson - Neurodiversity Lead & Student Development Lead
I am the Neurodiversity Advocate within the EDI committee. I'm currently leading the development of a range of initiatives and practices which will foster a neuroinclusive learning, teaching and workplace environment in the School of Psychology and across the whole University. Developing a culture that reflects and respects the neurodiversity of our staff and students is at the heart of this. I am working closely with a range of other people across the University engaged in support and wellbeing.
- Dr Zeshu Shao - School Inclusion Coordinator
I'm the School Inclusion Coordinator. My role is to reflect or discuss any issue related to students with learning differences at our school and update relevant policies of University. I have been worked on projects of building resilient learning environment for MSc students. I'm also organising Maths anxiety workshop with Student Support to help our students to deal with the stress when studying Statistics.
- Dr Brian Mathias - LGBTQ+ Network Representative
As LGBTQ+ Champion and Network Representative, I serve as a dedicated advocate for LGBTQ+ concerns. I hope to contribute to the goal of making the school a place where everyone, regardless of their gender identity or sexual orientation, feels welcome and valued.
- Dr Eva Rubinova - Race Equality Champion
I am the Race Equality Champion within the EDI committee and I am leading work on Decolonising the Curriculum in Psychology—a set of activities aiming towards creating educational environments in which: (1) historical and cultural influences in the generation of knowledge are acknowledged/discussed, and (2) the value of inclusion is evidenced in the consideration of diversity in the content of teaching and teaching practices. My work involves developing tools and preparing resources facilitating the process of decolonising the curriculum. I am also a member of the university-wide Decolonising the Curriculum Community of Practice (earlier also the Decolonising the Curriculum Steering Group), and I chair the Committee for Diversity and Inclusion of the Society for Applied Research in Memory and Cognition (SARMAC).
- Linda Engles - Menopause Network Lead
As Chair of the staff Menopause Network, I consider my role to be to create a safe space for women to talk about their experiences and get support in the form of advice on nutrition, managing brain fog and mental health etc. I also want to ensure that as a university we continue to raise awareness of the impact of menopause on women in the workplace, that they are able to speak up and that line managers are able to offer appropriate support.
- Dr Rachel Swainson - Staff Development Lead
I'm the School of Psychology's Staff Development Lead. As part of this role, I organise Psychology Forum sessions, where staff and postgraduate students get together to discuss issues related to the teaching, research, or administrative aspects of their work or to receive information or training from other departments such as HR. Some of these sessions are focused on the requirements of particular groups, such as early-career researchers or those with caring responsibilities.
- Dr Kevin Allan - School Education Committee Representative
I act as the liaison between the EDI committee and the School of Psychology's Education committee. My EDI-related research examines how new technology such as Generative AI acquire and transmit social biases, e.g. gender-stereotypes, and in how to design human-AI interaction to mitigate the transmission of such biases.
- Dr Ewan Bottomley - T&S Track Member
My research focuses on interventions examining how to diversify science. Currently, I am looking at how imposter phenomenon can impact student experience and how identity relates to academic outcomes. I'm also examining how to encourage the retention of women in physics and computer science. I also act as a representative for T&S staff.
- Dr Michail Ntikas - Early Career Researcher Representative
I am a full-time post-doctoral Research Fellow (2022-present) and represent post-doctoral researchers on the Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion Committee. Within this role, I actively advocate for the concerns of early career researchers. My aim is to collaboratively make positive changes, fostering a better workplace environment for everyone.
- Parnian Jalalian - PGR Student Representative
I am a PhD student representing the interests and concerns of postgraduate research students on the Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion Committee. I am dedicated to promoting an inclusive environment where everyone feels valued and supported. My goal is to ensure that all students have a voice in shaping policies and practices that promote diversity and equity within our school.
- Kaye Taylor - School Administration Manager Nominee
I am currently School Administration Manager's Deputy. I oversee the implementation of the School's EDI policies and procedures in the School.
- Stacey Dale - Clerk
I am the Clerk for the EDI committee in the School of Psychology. I work closely to support Dr Clare Sutherland (chair) with administration of the committee and events relating to EDI in the school.