Manuscripts which our interns have co-authored
Mechanisms between Sleep and Pain – What Do We Know from Studies of Mediation? (2019), Whibley, D, AlKandari, N, Kristensen, K, Barnish, M, Rzewuska, M, Druce, KL & Tang
Journal of Pain, vol. 20, no. 4, pp. S19-S20. - Sleep and Pain: A Systematic Review of Studies of Mediation (2019), Whibley, D, Al Kandari, N, Kristensen, K, Barnish, M, Rzewuska, M, Druce, KL & Tang
The Clinical Journal of Pain. Jun;35(6):544-558
- A possible link between ankylosing spondylitis and periodontitis: a systematic review and meta-analysis (2015), Ratz T, Dean LE, Atzeni F, Reeks C, Macfarlane GJ, Macfarlane TV.
Rheumatology 2015; 54(3): 500-10
- Does anticholinergics drug burden relate to global neuro-disability outcome measures and length of hospital stay? (2015), Sakel M, Boukouvalas A, Buono R, Moten M, Mirza F, Chan WY, Maidment I, Cross J, Smith TO, Myint PK, Fox C
Brain Injury 2015 Aug 12:1-5.
- Alternative population sampling frames produced important differences in estimates of association: a case-control study of vasculitis (2013), Macfarlane GJ, Jones GT, Swafe L, Reid DM, Basu N.
Journal of Clininical Epidemiology 2013 Jun; 66(6): 675-80.
- The evidence base for managing older persons with low back pain (2012), Schild von Spannenberg-S, Jones GT, Macfarlane GJ.
British Journal of Pain, November 2012 6: 166-169
- Can Alcohol Intake from Mouthwash be Measured in Epidemiological Studies? Development and Validation of Mouthwash Use Questionnaire with Particular Attention to Measuring Alcohol Intake from Mouthwash (2012), Wirth T, Kawecki MM, Reeve J, Cunningham C, Bovaird I, Macfarlane TV.
Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Research, 2012 Oct 1; 3(3): e1.
- Head and neck cancer pain: systematic review of prevalence and associated factors (2012), Macfarlane TV, Wirth T, Ranasinghe S, Ah-See KW, Renny N, Hurman D.
Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Research, 2012 Apr 1; 3(1): e1.
- The relationship between body mass index across the life course and knee pain in adulthood: results from the 1958 birth cohort study (2011), Macfarlane GJ, de Silva V, Jones GT.
Rheumatology 2011 Dec; 50(12): 2251-6.
- Arthritis Research UK Working Group on Complementary and Alternative Medicines. Evidence for the efficacy of complementary and alternative medicines in the management of rheumatoid arthritis: a systematic review (2011), Macfarlane GJ, El-Metwally A, De Silva V, Ernst E, Dowds GL, Moots RJ.
Rheumatology 2011 Sep; 50(9): 1672-83.
- Arthritis Research UK Working Group on Complementary and Alternative Medicines. Evidence for the efficacy of complementary and alternative medicines in the management of osteoarthritis: a systematic review (2011), De Silva V, El-Metwally A, Ernst E, Lewith G, Macfarlane GJ.
Rheumatology 2011 May; 50(5): 911-20.
- Arthritis Research Campaign Working Group on Complementary and Alternative Medicines. Evidence for the efficacy of complementary and alternative medicines in the management of fibromyalgia: a systematic review (2010), De Silva V, El-Metwally A, Ernst E, Lewith G, Macfarlane GJ.
Rheumatology 2010 Jun; 49(6): 1063-8.
- Evaluation of work-related psychosocial factors and regional musculoskeletal pain: results from a EULAR Task Force (2009), Macfarlane GJ, Pallewatte N, Paudyal P, Blyth FM, Coggon D, Crombez G, Linton S, Leino-Arjas P, Silman AJ, Smeets RJ, van der Windt D.
Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases, 2009 Jun; 68(6): 885-91.