Crash Course in Human Centred Design

Crash Course in Human Centred Design

This is a past event

Do you would consider yourself a designer?

and yet..  

do you produce things for others? graphs, reports, systems, etc.,

and how frustrating is it when we work hard to produce something and then find people don’t use it or complain about it?

so how might we understand and  think about design from the user perspective to develop something they will interact and engage with and that fully meets their needs?

This session will take you on a step by step journey through a Design Thinking experience where you will get to apply the tools directly to a real life challenge before finishing off with the building of a prototype.


Anyone who produces something for anyone else be it analysis, data, reports, documents, user requirements, databases, websites, communications etc.


We are all familiar with the terms user centred and person centred, we are all used to checking in our ideas with our stakeholders for feedback but how often do we just check in with the end user what problems they might have before developing our ideas?

HCD is not about getting feedback on something thats already been thought of, its about listening and empathising with a user community to help us build solutions that will ultimately meet their needs.

Created by d.School Stanford this fully interactive hands on experience will leave you with some new skills that can be immediately applied to your work and projects and will give you plenty to think about around how you currently ask potential users what their real needs might be.

Spaces will be limited, if you are interested in attending please email:


For those who wish to learn more after the event Ideo/Acumen provide an excellent (and free) virtual course.

Hosted by
Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations
23 Lauriston Street, Edinburgh EH3 9DQ