Digital Health & Care Conference 2017

Digital Health & Care Conference 2017

This is a past event

The Scottish Centre for Telehealth and Telecare, NHS 24, the Scottish Government’s Technology Enabled Care and Digital Healthcare Innovation and its eHealth Division are pleased to announce the  date and venue for the 2017 Digital Health and Care Conference.

The Conference will take place on 22 November 2017.

The venue for this years Conference will be the University of Strathclyde Technology & Innovation Centre, Glasgow.

The conference is aimed at staff working in sectors including: health, social care, housing, the voluntary sector, research, policy, technology and academia, who are interested in how digital technologies can be used to support improvement and innovation.

Registration details to follow

Programme We are delighted that the Cabinet Secretary for Health and Sport, Shona Robison, MSP, will introduce the conference. The programme will feature keynote presentations providing strategic insights into how Digital Health and Care can transform the delivery of services. In addition, workshops and plenary discussions will provide a forum for knowledge exchange with innovators across this sector.

You can be involved If you are working in Scotland and are planning to organise an event which has a Digital Health and Care (DHC) theme during the week of 20-24 November 2017, please let us know and we will help to get the message out. Events or activities can include:

  • local awareness raising events around DHC for staff or service users/carers
  • local training events/activities around DHC for staff or service users/carers
  • launch of a new service which will use DHC tools
  • networking or learning events e.g. research meeting with DHC as a subject
  • online activities e.g. Tweet chat, Webinar, Podcast etc, with DHC as the topic

If you are involved in delivering technology enabled care services or projects in Scotland and would like to share via a 2-minute digital snapshot which will be shared on Social Media across Digital Health and Care Week, please get in touch with

Exhibitors The chance to meet delegates, to build new relationships and get feedback is something that the attendees and the exhibitors both value. The exhibition space is at the heart of the venue and feedback from the 2016 event was very positive.

Sponsorship packages will continue to be reasonably priced. If you wish to find out more about the range of sponsorship opportunities contact

We hope to see you on 22 November 2017

Hosted by
University of Strathclyde Technology & Innovation Centre