Opportunity to Publish
Emerald Publishing will produce a special issue of full conference papers for the Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education. You can find additional information on the journal webpage and Researcher App.
The aim of the special issue will be to share research on how higher education institutions can work in collaborative ways to transform teaching, learning, research, and service, with compassion as an overarching approach to accomplish this aim. The focus of the special conference issue will cover the following themes: inclusivity, interdisciplinarity, internationalization, and sustainability.
Before submitting your full research paper, review the author guidelines.
Please note:
- Any accepted presenter (oral or poster) is eligible to submit a full paper.
- All papers submitted to this special issue will go through a rigorous double-blind review process
- The ‘call for papers’ will be uploaded on JARHE website soon and will detail the process in detail - the link will be available shortly