- About
- Email Address
- colette.savage@abdn.ac.uk
- Telephone Number
- +44 (0)1224 274617
- Office Address
- School/Department
- School of Education
Colette has a background in both academia ( Brunel University: computer science lecturer), secondary School Teacher ( Computer Science), and the development of high end industry training programs as Director of European Training (Investment bankers and energy traders the city of London). Developing a strong interest and taking extensive training in wellbeing, mindfulness in particular she moved into wellbeing, delivering mindfulness training as both CPD to teachers and business clients.
Alongside this as a qualified and experienced secondary teacher she has delivered a range of CPD courses around human values, mindfulness and wellbeing to thousands of teachers, based on a combination of science and Eastern wisdom gained from numerous visits to India.
She utilises her broad computing experience and many years of mindfulness and wellness training to develop postgraduate Mindfulness programs with a focus on the evidence based neurobiological underpinning.
Currently she is the programme director for the MSc in Mindfulness Studies and GTCS professional recognition in Mindfulness along with delivering a range of modules on both the MA and PGDE courses here at the School of Education, with a focus on mindfulness and wellbeing in the classroom.
She has developed a number of online on-demand mindfulness modules making the academic knowledge of mindfulness more accessible.
Research interests are focused on embodied teachers,in particular the role mindfulness can play in inclusive practise in the training of teachers and mindfulness for wellbeing.
This is an emerging field where enabling teacher presence in the classroom offers the potential to enhance teacher awareness of the inclusive needs of the pupils.
- BSc Computer Science for Business1986 - University of Ulster
- PGCE teaching1987 - Queens University , Belfast
- Msc Data Communication and Networking1992 - Brunel Univeristy
External Memberships
GTCS( General Teaching Council for Scotland) Accreditation panel for Professional recognition qualifications
- Research
Research Overview
My current research interests are :
Embodied Teaching and the role of the body in the classroom
Embodied mindfulness within the enactment of the inclusive practice of teachers in the classroom
Mindfulness and heartfulness in the classroom
Mindfulness of values in the Classroom
Qualitative methods for lived experience
Research Areas
Research Specialisms
- Education Studies
- Primary Teaching
Our research specialisms are based on the Higher Education Classification of Subjects (HECoS) which is HESA open data, published under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International licence.
Current Research
In collaboration with Dr. Archie Graham, I am currently completing a paper on the the use of embodiement within the enactment of inclusive practice in the classroom and a method paper on accessing bodily sensations in the lived experiences of a primary school teacher.
Knowledge Exchange
ECER 2023 presentation
SERA 2022 presentation
Contemporary Childhood Conference: Borders and Boundaries conference presentation :Mindfulness of human values 2021
Pint of Science presentation: Mindful Living
Development on behalf of the university of a free online mindfulness course for the community during the Pandemic 2020-2021
Daily15 minute mindfulness session during the first 9 months of the Pandemic for the academic community and staff at the Aberdeen Royal Infirmary A and E department
- Teaching
Teaching Responsibilities
Program Director MSc Mindfulness :
Teaching on all modules within the course and a particular focus on neurobiology of mindfulness, embodied mindfulness, mindfulness and compassion at work
Course co-ordinator: ED 555J Professional Enquiry (MSc Mindfulness)
Course co-ordinator: Ed505A Mindfulness (MSc Mindfulness)
Course co-ordinator ED555B Compassion (MSc Mindfulness)
Course co-ordinator: ED 505L Insight (MSc Mindfulness)
Course co-ordinator Ed555Z Mindfulness in the Classroom( MEd)
Course co-ordinator for ED101F: Mindfulness in the classroom ( MA)
Course co-ordinator for ED505E Accreditation for Prior Learning ( Mindfulness)
Course co-ordinator: GTCS(General Teaching Council of Scotland) Professional Recognition in Mindfulness
Course co-ordinator: Mindfulness in the Classroom ( 15 Masters Credits)
Course co-ordinator: Discovering Mindfulness ( 15 Masters Credits)
15 MSc dissertation supervisions