Secular Mindfulness: The Full Catastophe

Secular Mindfulness: The Full Catastophe

This is a past event

Dr Will Barlow will be responding to Dr Graeme Nixon's paper, Secular Mindfulness: The Full Catastrophe.

Many of the current criticisms of secular mindfulness discuss an apparent lack of compassionate or spiritual heritage or content in secular approaches and interventions. The ‘instrumentalisation’ of mindfulness has provoked criticism from a range of spiritual or religious commentators and figures about the misuse of mindfulness out with its various putative religious birth traditions. The use of the term ‘secular’ in this context has been described as a prophylactic that, while making mindfulness palatable to the western mind-set, has also rendered it infertile. In this paper Dr Graeme Nixon will argue that much of this criticism relies on false binaries around terms such as spiritual and secular, and that mindfulness whilst perhaps being ubiquitous to religious traditions (to varying degrees) is also present in western philosophy and the scientific temper. Graeme will argue for the recognition that, with a better grasp of secularity (as opposed to secularism), a more inclusive, accessible and, at the same time, pluralistic understanding can emerge.

Dr Will Barlow
MR266 MacRobert Building