
In this section

The Department of Finance has strengths in applied finance, particularly in the areas of high frequency analysis, (focusing on volatility, derivatives and regulation) and asset pricing with particular emphasis on the integration between macroeconomic variables and asset prices). There are additional research interests in corporate finance, initial public offerings and privatised utilities.

The finance group has strong links with both economics and accountancy, using cross-disciplinary methodologies to address relevant issues in finance. There is also a strong interface with the real estate group where shared interests yield research output in the areas of risk measurement and diversification benefits.

Our subscriptions include Bloomberg, Datastream Premium, Worldscope, Morningstar Encorr, Newscope, Lipper Tass, TickHistory which, along with software packages such as Matlab, Eviews, RATS, and Stata, enables us to produce leading quantitative research at the cutting edge of finance.

Browse our Working Papers in Economics and Finance


  • Applied Finance
  • Asset pricing (time series econometric analysis between macroeconomic variables and asset prices)
  • Financial Markets and Corporate Finance and People
  • Finance Research Group strengths:
    • High frequency analysis focussing on volatility, derivatives and regulation
    • Asset pricing emphasising integration between macroeconomic variables and asset price
    • Corporate finance, initial public offerings and privatised utilities

Please look at the profiles of our Finance academics for more details.

Finance Research Seminar Series

External Guest Seminars
Speaker Affiliation Topic Date
Professor Marc Deloof University of Antwerp

Financial networks and performance of colonial entrepreneurship: Evidence from King Leopold’s Congo Free State.

Dr Meryem Schalck IPAG Business School

Evaluating the Impact of Climate Risk Measures on Firm Value: A Cross-country Study Using Machine Learning Models

Dr Murat Mazibas University of Dundee

Dynamic Style Analysis Using Machine Learning

Dr Stefano Maiani Heriot-Watt University

Environmental and Social Incidents and Misvaluation-driven Leveraged Buyouts

Dr Kwabena Aboah Addo Utrecht University, Netherlands Overconfident Bank CEOs: Risk Amplification Amid Economic Policy Uncertainty? 30/10/2024
Dr Zhehao Jia University of Edinburgh Credit Market Segmentation, Access to Credit, and Corporate Risk-taking: Evidence from Asset-backed Securitization 23/10/2024
Professor Agostino Capponi Columbia University, USA The Evolution of DeFi: Achievements, Challenges, and the Road Ahead 09/10/2024
Dr Bowei Chen University of Glasgow

Explainable Machine Learning for Bus Accident Analytics

Dr Frederick Changwony University of Stirling

The effect of public governance reforms on household financial inclusion, savings, and borrowing behaviour: A quasi-experiment evidence from Kenya

Dr Jiao Ji University of Sheffield

Political Ties and Penalty Avoidance: The Case of Bank CEOs in China

Dr Xiaofei Xing University of Birmingham

Do Fund Managers Believe in Luck? Zodiac Effect and Fund Managers' Behaviour and Performance

Dr Samer Adra University of Sheffield To Whom Do “Fed Information Shocks” Matter? 21/02/2024
Dr Thuy Linh Nguyen University of Tokyo

Comprehensive Analysis of Bank Mergers and Impacts on Heterogeneous Borrowers: Evidence from Japan

Dr Jiaqi Guo University of Birmingham Empirical decisions and replication anomalies 01/11/2023
Dr Hai Zhang University of Strathclyde Robust investment timing, incentive costs and debt overhang 18/10/2023
Dr Udichibarna Bose University of Essex Does Green Transition promote Green Innovation and Technological Acquisitions? 20/09/2023
Dr Betty Wu University of Glasgow From the Merger Monday phenomenon: M&A announcement timing, media attention, and value creation 22/03/2023
Dr Robert ƚlepaczuk University of Warsaw

Energy, Crypto Assets, Gold, and Soft Commodities as a Safe Haven in Algorithmic Investment Strategies based on Deep Learning and ARIMA-GARCH models for Equity Indices

Dr Albert Mensah HEC Paris Do banks learn from activist short sellers? Evidence from loan pricing 08/02/2023
Dr Yiwei Li University of Essex

Executive Team and Corporate Misbehavior: Evidence from U.S. Equity Market

Dr Xiaolun Yu University of Reading Low-rise Buildings in Big Cities: Theory and Evidence from China 05/10/2022
Dr Emmanouil Platanakis University of Bath A Model-based Commodity Risk Measure on Commodity and Stock Market Returns 28/09/2022
Dr Toan L.D. Huynh Southampton Business School The Impact of Foreign Sanctions on Firm Performance in Russia 22/06/2022
Professor Yeqin Zeng Durham Business School Firm-specific Investor Sentiment and Productivity 16/03/2022
Professor Qiaoyun Yun South China Normal University Absorptive capacity of enterprises in sharing economy 08/12/2021
Professor Wei Liu South China Normal University

Controlling Shareholder Share Pledging and the Cost of Equity Capital: Evidence from China

Dr Hanwen Sun University of Bath Product Market Threats and Corporate ESG Performance 24/11/2021
Professor Sofia Johan University of Aberdeen (Honorary) Governance and Success in U.S. Equity Crowdfunding 10/11/2021
Professor Shaoyu Li South China Normal University

Competition, Rating Shopping and Yield Spread: Evidence from Chinese Enterprise Bond Market

Professor Douglas Cumming Florida Atlantic University Covid, Work-from-Home, and Securities Misconduct 27/10/2021


Internal Seminars
Speaker Topic Date
Professor Gerhard Kling A perfect storm: The impact of climate change, austerity, and old age on excess mortality in England & Wales 12/02/2025
Dr Daniel Gyimah Cross-Border Regulatory Cooperation and Tax Avoidance 07/02/2024
Dr Pranjal Srivastava

Government Put: What Options Market Imply about the Volatility and Left-tail Risk of Indian Public versus Private Banks
