The Accountancy Discipline at the University of Aberdeen carries out cutting-edge interdisciplinary accounting research that displays global excellence in its research outputs. The Discipline has strengths in key five areas:
- Sustainability Accounting, Accountability and Transparency
- Accounting History
- Financial Reporting
- Public Sector Accounting
- Accounting Education
The discipline, at present, has two leading research projects on modern slavery-related corporate transparency and accountability, funded by AHRC and GCRF-Scottish Funding Council.
- Accounting academics have published research in leading journals including;
- Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal;
- Accounting, Organisation and Society;
- Accounting Review;
- British Journal of Management;
- Critical Perspective of Accounting;
- Journal of Business Ethics;
- The British Accounting Review.
The accounting researchers also have strong links with the Finance, Economics and Management departments, using cross-disciplinary theories and methodologies to address relevant issues in the sustainability accounting and financial reporting areas.
The Discipline's core research culture is enriched by its inclusive community of PhD students, early career researchers and mentoring academics, a seminar series hosting leading local and international academics, organising academic conferences on accounting, society and the environment and organising engagement & impact events with practitioners and local community members.
The Discipline of Accounting is home to the new research centre, the Centre for Governance, Accountability, and Sustainability.
The Discipline's reach is global: research collaborations are currently underway with international institutions and researchers based in Australia, Bangladesh, Brazil, Canada, Denmark, Greece, Ireland, Italy, New Zealand, Portugal, Russia, and the USA to name but a few.
- Accounting Education
- Accounting History
- Anti-corruption and Transparency
- Climate Change and Emission Accounting and Disclosures
- Gender and Accounting
- Human Rights Accounting and Accountability
- Modern Slavery Accounting and Accountability
- Public Sector Accounting and Management
- Sustainability Disclosures and Transparency
Please look at the profiles of our Accounting academics for more details.
Accounting Research Seminar Series
- External Guest Seminars
Speaker Affiliation Topic Date Professor Charles Cho Schulich School of Business, York University, Canada Shared Imaginaries of Sustainable Development: the SDGs, their Interconnectedness, and Materiality Assessment
27/11/2024 Professor Danture Wickramasinghe University of Glasgow Shattering the illusion: a southern voice on informality and public accountability 25/09/2024 Professor Ian Thomson
Dundee University
Developing accounting for sustainable development through a consideration of interconnectivity
Professor Lee Parker
University of Glasgow
Third Sector Crisis Management and Resilience: Reflections and Directions
Professor Chandana Alawattage
University of Glasgow
Strategic Management Accounting: Teaching/Learning as a Social Science
Professor Stephen Walker
University of Edinburgh
Accounting and Racial Violence in the Postbellum American South
Professor Teerooven Soobaroyen
University of Essex
A futile exercise of transparency? The case of UK Political Party Accounts
Professor Lee Parker
University of Glasgow
The office as a site of management control: Historical representation through the medium of film
Professor Jim Haslam
Durham University
Social Housing, Financialization and Accounting: reflections from the Covid-19 pandemic in Brazil
Christopher Napier
Royal Holloway University, London
Innovation in accounting historiography: Where to from here?
Dr Sebastian Tideman
Exeter University
Capital Market Reactions to Managerial Framing of Emerging Strategic Issues
Professor Ileana Steccolini and Dr Jaromir June
University of Essex
A users' perspective on Evaluative Infrastructure in Schools: From assessing reading skills to opening up new worlds and unveiling new identities
Professor Ian Thomson
University of Birmingham
Are Normalised Greenhouse Gas Disclosure Usable? The Case of Water and Sewage Companies in England and Wales - 2007/8 -2018/9
Professor Aatur Belal
University of Sheffield
Organisational Management of Institutional Complexity: The Emergence of Sustainability Reporting in a Chinese State-Owned Enterprise
Dr Karen McBride
Portsmouth University
'Fumifugium: Or the Inconvenience of the Aer and Smoake of London Dissipated': Emancipatory social accounting in 17th century London
- Internal Seminars
Speaker Topic Date Dr Naser Makarem Policy Uncertainty and Real Activities Manipulation: Evidence from Brexit 28/02/2024