UKRI Funding Service update

UKRI Funding Service update

During 2023, all UKRI research councils will transition from the Joint Electronic Submissions (Je-S) system to the new UKRI Funding Service for the submission of research applications.  The Funding Service has a number of differences to Je-S and and colleagues planning UKRI applications should familiarise themselves with the new requirements.

Researchers planning UKRI applications: Researchers can create an own accounts by selecting the ‘Start Application’ button located on the page where the opportunity is listed. However we recommend only starting an application when you are certain of the deadline you plan to apply to as you will not be able to save your application and submit to a later call.

The usual requirements to follow the applicable School’s Intention to Submit (ITS) / Supporting Grant Application (SGA) process apply and applications must be costed and collect internal approvals in Worktribe before submission.

On going development: UKRI are continuing to develop the Funding Service functionality and updated versions will be published regularly. Accordingly, the guidance and requirements for using the Service will evolve. The Grants Academy will keep researchers up to date with changes as they are announced and recommend researchers also take steps to stay in touch with progress.

More information: Further UKRI information on the Funding Service can be found here and a webinar here. Details of the transition from JeS to the Funding Service can be found here.