

The CEFAW project has produced a range of resources.

CEFAW policy framework 

CEFAW policy framework for churches and Christian organisations - available to download or order for free.  


A Christian Case for Farmed Animal Welfare - an academic article in Animals journal - theological and historical contexts of Christian advocacy for farmed animals. 


The Christian Ethics of Farmed Animal Welfare - a short animated video providing an introduction to the project - use it to learn more or to share with friends or colleagues.

Launch of the CEFAW Policy Framework on the Christian Ethics of Farmed Animal Welfare - a video recording of our Policy Framework launch in November 2020 - hear from researchers and partners.

Webinars about the Christian ethics of farmed animal welfare

Webinar 1: Why Should Christians Care About Farmed Animal Welfare? with Prof David Clough and Dr Margaret Adam

Webinar 2: How do Farmed Animals Flourish? with Prof Siobhan Mullan and Dr David Grummett 

Webinar 3: What is the cost of Farmed Animal Welfare? with Dr Paul Hurley, Prof Siobhan Mullan and Prof David Clough


Future updates

We are currently working on future outputs including: 

  • the first academic monograph on the Christian Ethics of Farmed Animal Welfare
  • a policy framework to inform the policy and practice of Christian organizations in relation to farmed animal welfare
  • further academic journal articles addressing farmed animal welfare in a Christian context