Page 1 of 1Results 1 to 10 of 10, 03 - 28 June 2019
Obesity in pregnant women associated with a 3.5 times increased risk of type 2 diabetes in child
Obesity during pregnancy is associated with a 3.5-times increased future risk of type 2 diabetes (T2D) in the child, concludes a collaborative new study.
National Centre of Excellence for Musculoskeletal Health and Work renewed
Medical researchers from the University of Aberdeen are part of a consortium that has led a successful collaborative application to renew the National Centre of Excellence for Musculoskeletal Health and Work for a further five years (2019-24).
Consortium awarded extra funding to create £9 million offshore renewables hub
A national consortium which has the University of Aberdeen as a core member has been awarded an additional £4 million funding to cement the UK's position as a global leader in offshore renewable energy (ORE) innovation and research.
Aberdeen researcher wins 'best pitch' at Converge Ready, Steady, Pitch!
'Best pitch' accolade for Aberdeen researcher.
Seven years, two kids, one dream job - Megan's PhD story
Megan Watson will graduate with her PhD next week, seven years after she started but not because she's been taking it easy - quite the opposite.
Aberdeen climbs 17 places in latest Guardian University Guide
The University of Aberdeen has climbed 17 places in the Guardian University Guide 2020, released today (Friday June 7).
Animal-free breast cancer research receives funding boost
Professor Valerie Speirs has won funding to improve an existing animal-free laboratory model of breast cancer.
Principal's Prize winners announced
The winners of this year's Principal's Prize for Public Engagement have been announced as part of the University Excellence Awards.
Opening up Aberdeen's 'jewel in the crown' to the world
Aberdeen's earliest medieval Burgh Records have long been regarded as a jewel in the city's crown - earning UNESCO status for their historical significance - but they will now be opened to the world after researchers painstakingly transcribed more than 1.5 million words contained within their volumes.
Secretary of State for Health and Social Care visits next generation MRI scanners
Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, Matt Hancock, visited the University of Aberdeen to see first-hand the development of the next generation of MRI scanners.