Page 1 of 2Results 1 to 10 of 14, 22 - 30 April 2020
Rowett researcher wins the best scientific paper of 2019
Research carried out by a former Aberdeen scientist while at the University of Aberdeen Rowett Institute has been awarded the best scientific paper of 2019 by the Alpro Foundation.
New Head of School appointed President of national musicians' body
An academic who is due to arrive at the University of Aberdeen as a new Head of School has been appointed as President of the Incorporated Society of Musicians (ISM).
Aberdeen academic achieves trio of prestigious fellowships
An Aberdeen academic has been elected to the National Academy of Sciences of the USA this week, making him part of an exclusive group of only 28 scientists in the world to be an elected fellow of the world's three major national academies at the same time.
University of Aberdeen awarded almost £1 million to fight Covid-19
The University of Aberdeen has been awarded almost £1 million in new research funding to tackle the Covid-19 pandemic.
Genetics expertise could transform fish production
The potential of fish and shellfish production to feed a growing global population could be significantly enhanced through advances in genetics and biotechnology, University of Aberdeen researchers say.
Landmark report to protect the world's oceans
A landmark report co-authored by a leading academic specialising in how marine biological resources can be used in the development of life-saving pharmaceuticals has been launched today (Friday, April 24).
Data harnessed to reveal Covid-19 spread in Scotland in real time
A study that uses patient data to track the progress of the Covid-19 pandemic in near real time across Scotland is set to launch.
New tsunami risk identified in Indonesia
A team of scientists led by a new arrival at the University of Aberdeen and a team at Heriot-Watt University has identified a potential new tsunami risk in Indonesia by mapping below the seabed of the Makassar Strait.
University in global top 100 for positive societal impact
The University of Aberdeen is among the top 100 universities in the world in terms of its positive impact on society.
Locking down in one of the most remote areas on earth
An Aberdeen archaeologist is spending lockdown in one of the most remote areas of the planet.