Page 1 of 3Results 1 to 10 of 21, 20 - 30 May 2014
Clinical guidelines - a better prognosis?
Almost 300 people interested in improving the guidelines that advise health practitioners and others interested in how to best care for patients, are meeting in Edinburgh on Monday (June 2).
Varied life of Great Aberdonian celebrated in public lecture
The varied life of an Aberdonian who served as a soldier, director of one of the world's largest companies, a University rector and an MP will be celebrated in the latest instalment of a popular public lecture series.
What is love? Free talk on the notion of romance
The meaning of love will be the subject of a free talk in Aberdeen next week.
New skin cancer checking software set to benefit survivors
Skin cancer survivors are to be aided in checking for signs of the condition returning by new technology developed by experts at the University of Aberdeen.
New study seeks volunteers to spot 'real' Shetland accents
An Aberdeen linguist is seeking volunteers for a project looking at whether people can detect if a Shetland accent is 'real' or 'fake'.
Pregnant smokers who want to quit needed
Mums-to-be who want to stub out the habit are being recruited by University of Aberdeen researchers onto an innovative smoking cessation study.
Prowlers backing Aberdeen's breast cancer research
A decade ago a small group of Aberdeenshire women came up with an idea to organise a sponsored walk to raise cash for local breast cancer research.
University promote renewable energy expertise at All Energy exhibition
Renewable energy experts from the University of Aberdeen will come together with industry leaders at the UK's largest green energy exhibition in Aberdeen this week.
The physics and philosophy of time travel
How quantum mechanics, thermodynamics and relativity challenge our understanding of time and space, and the philosophical dimensions of time travel will be explored in a free talk in Inverness on Tuesday (May 20).
Digital technology comes to nature's aid
Digital technology's impact on nature conservation will be the focus of a conference hosted by the University of Aberdeen and attended by experts from around the world.