Page 1 of 1Results 1 to 10 of 10, 04 - 25 June 2015
Scientists awarded £1.6M for research into Soil Security
Scientists have been awarded £1.6M to investigate how we can ensure that our soil management practices are resilient to environmental change in the future.
Women have up to a fourfold increase in risk of stillbirth following a previous stillbirth
Women who have experienced a stillbirth have up to a fourfold increased risk of stillbirth in a second pregnancy compared to those who had an initial live birth, finds a new major review of research, carried out by scientists at the University of Aberdeen and published in The BMJ this...
University Professor helps shed light on what makes us happy and satisfied in life
Does parenthood make us happy? Can we migrate to become happier? How does gender inequality influence depression rates? And how do we define and measure individuals' wellbeing across Europe?
Women with endometriosis at greater risk of miscarriage, says study
Women with endometriosis are more likely to suffer a miscarriage and need extra care, according to fertility doctors at the University of Aberdeen.
Martian rocks yield important clues about life on the Red Planet
Efforts to assess the possibility of life on Mars have taken a step forward thanks to the work of scientists who have successfully extracted methane from Martian rock.
Should we be eating like cavemen?
The fad for eating like our 'caveman' ancestors was announced as the cure to all kinds of modern ailments - but is there any evidence to support it as a healthy lifestyle.
Eating up to 100g of chocolate daily linked to lowered heart disease and stroke risk
Eating up to 100g of chocolate every day is linked to lowered heart disease and stroke risk, according to research carried out by scientists at the University of Aberdeen.
Smoking while pregnant affects the livers of boys and girls differently
Women smoking while pregnant could impact male babies differently to female babies because of the way it affects the liver, according to new research.
University staff and students recognised for public engagement with research
A group of five staff and students from across the University has been recognised for their efforts in engaging wider society with their research.
Where in the UK are New Zealand Flatworms and what are they up to?
Members of the public are being asked to help University of Aberdeen researchers pinpoint just how far a species, that wound up in the UK unintentionally, has travelled across the country.