Page 1 of 2Results 1 to 10 of 12, 03 - 29 February 2016
New research shows climate change will endanger many species previously believed to be not at risk
New research from the University of Aberdeen has shown that insects in high-latitude ecosystems such as Scotland are just as at risk from climate change as tropical species.
Study deepens understanding of polar ice streams
Scientists at the University of Aberdeen have deepened our understanding of how polar ice escapes into the ocean by studying a site in mainland Europe.
Does it add up? Can maths explain collective animal behaviour?
Can maths be used to understand how animals behave in groups? What can equations tell us about flocks of sheep or crowds of people?
1950s study children reunite after more than half a century to help with new research
Aberdeen school children who completed important learning ability tests more than half a century ago are to come together for the first time since then to help scientists with new questions.
Study reveals gold in Millport rocks
The discovery of microscopic concentrations of gold in rocks from a popular Scottish holiday destination has raised the possibility of bigger finds elsewhere, according to research carried out by scientists at the University of Aberdeen.
What becomes of the 'broken hearted'?
The long-term effects of an untreatable condition, often confused with a heart attack, will be explored by University of Aberdeen researchers after they were awarded a prestigious grant.
What can The Archers tell us about changing accents?
Changes in accent have been noted in the Royal family in recent years and now research has shown that even a fictional British institution is not immune to the phenomenon.
A smart way to treat epilepsy
Scientists at the University of Aberdeen are working to develop a system that could see smartphones used to warn epilepsy sufferers of the likelihood of a seizure before it happens.
University's fungal research group officially recognised with MRC Centre status
The University of Aberdeen's reputation for ground-breaking fungal research has seen it afforded the prestigious status of an official UK centre of excellence.
From seabed to sick-bed: 'deep-sea drugs' spearheaded by new company
New drugs created using enzymes from reef-dwelling marine organisms which may be used to fight cancer, inflammatory and auto-immune diseases, will be spearheaded by a new company formed from research carried out at the universities of Aberdeen and St Andrews.