Carlaw Music Education Bursary

Carlaw Music Education Bursary

The Carlaw Music Education Bursary was established in 2017 to assist BMus Education students.  It was set up by a long term supporter of Music at the University of Aberdeen.

The bursary is valued at £750 and will be awarded to an undergraduate student studying on the BMus Education programme in their third or fourth year.  The bursary is intended to cover costs incurred to attend a conference or seminar.

Selection will be made via an application and interview process.  Successful applicants must use the bursary within a twelve month period following the award.

Applicants will be expected to: examine the content of possible courses, conferences or seminars which will enhance their understanding of some particular aspect and extend their experience; explain the reasons for their choice and state the perceived benefits of attendance; prepare and give a presentation report to the class group and any other interested students following their attendance.

The bursary can only be held by students of the University of Aberdeen – they cannot be transferred to another institution.

Academic Year 2018-19

Applicants can send their CV and outlined proposals to the Music Office, Room 003, MacRobert Building. The closing date for applications is:

Noon on 26 October 2018