Other areas

Other areas
Events area

The Events Area is located on the Ground Floor of the Sir Duncan Rice Library on the west side of the Gallery. It is an area where a wide variety of events take place such as:

  • lectures, seminars and talks
  • educational events for school parties and other groups.

Details of current events are displayed on the Events pages and in the Events Area itself.

Returns room

Located on the Ground Floor of the Sir Duncan Rice Library near the entrance the Returns Room contains self-return machines.

There is an internal drop point that allows you to return books one by one through a slot. Books are automatically discharged from your borrower record and routed by conveyor belt to sorting bins allocated to each floor or collection. Books are then collected by library staff and taken to the relevant floors for fast reshelving.

On the outside wall of the Returns Room is an external book drop slot where you can return books when the library building is closed. You will need your ID card to use this. 


Seminar room

The Seminar Room is Room 224 on Floor 2 of the Sir Duncan Rice Library. It seats up to 60 people and is equipped with overhead projector, lectern and PC.

Microform area

The Microform Area on Floor 2 of the Sir Duncan Rice Library contains most of our  
collections held in either microfilm or microfiche format. Material on microform can be anything: newspapers, theses, books, journals, collections of manuscripts etc. The microforms are reference only. Machines where you can both read and print are available in the room.

Help with using the machines and the microforms is available from the Information Centre on Floor 1.

Multimedia room

The Multimedia Room is located on Floor 1 of the Sir Duncan Rice Library. The room has two machines for viewing DVDs or VHS format videos and also two iMac computers for multimedia work.

The library also has 6 Multimedia PCs. In addition to the features of a regular classroom PC, these PCs have software called Adobe Creative Cloud Suite. This includes a number of multimedia applications such as Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Lightroom and Premier Pro.

Locations of Multimedia PCs:

  • two on Floor 1 near the issue desk
  • two on Floor 4 on the East side by the offices
  • two on Floor 5 on the East side by the offices
Music Resources room

The Music Resources Room is located on Floor 1 of the Sir Duncan Rice Library. Two iMac computers with Sibelius software for music composition and production are available.

A collection of music CDs, which can be borrowed, is shelved in this room.

The Music Resources Room is supported in memory of James Bryce Clarke.

Teaching Resource Collection

The Teaching Resource Collection or TRC is an area for quiet educational study and group discussion on Floor 6 of the Sir Duncan Rice Library.

The Teaching Resource is a collection of more than 20,000 items consisting of children’s books and school textbooks for all ages, ranging from pre-school to sixth year secondary level. We have many books which can be used for project or topic work in the primary school, subject specific material for secondary use, as well as a collection of children’s fiction. There are subject guides and arrangements for secondary subjects. We also hold a large collection of non-book material including kits (collections of materials on a particular topic, for example we have an inflatable solar system for demonstration purposes, Heinemann Maths packs – teacher and pupil books, workbooks etc., puppets, an organ apron and much more!), DVDs (and videos), CDs, CD-ROMs, project journals (shelved on Floor 2 at 370 with the other Education journals), big books and dual language books.

More information: details about the collection can be found in the Library Guide Teaching Resource Collection: How to Find Education Resources