

The Unit is committed to the dissemination of research findings in the NHS in Scotland and beyond, in line with its remit to 'work for the implementation of proven changes in clinical activities'. A variety of methods have been used to promote this. Active dissemination is pursued through presentations at conferences and publications in scientific journals and books.

Recent Publications

Arundel, C, Clark, L, Parker, A, Beard, DJ, Coleman, E, Cooper, C, Devane, D, Eldridge, S, Galvin, S, Gillies, K, Hewitt, CE, Sutton, C, Torgerson, DJ, and Treweek, S. Trial Forge Guidance 4: A guideline for reporting the results of randomised Studies Within A Trial (SWATs). Trials 2024;25(1):183.

Avenell, A, Bolland, MJ, Gamble, GD, and Grey, A. A randomized trial alerting authors, with or without co-authors or editors, that research they cited in systematic reviews and guidelines has been retracted. Accountability in Research 2024;31(1):14-37.

Coffey, T, Williamson, PR, Gillies, K, and Trials Methodology Research Partnership Working Groups. Understanding implementation of findings from trials methods research: a mixed methods study applying implementation frameworks and behaviour change models. a mixed methods study applying implementation frameworks and behaviour change models 2024;25(1):139.

Cruickshank, M, Brazzelli, M, Manson, P, Torrance, N, and Grant, A. What is the impact of long-term COVID-19 on workers in healthcare settings? A rapid systematic review of current evidence. PLoS One 2024;19(3):e0299743.

Dike, N, D'Ambruoso, L, Morgan, H, Skea, Z, and Tarburn, E-L. Protective and risk factors of mental health of working age adults with adventitious total bilateral blindness and low vision: a scoping review protocol. PLoS One 2024;19(1):e0296659.

El-Sayed, C, Yiu, A, Burke, J, Vaughan Shaw, P, Todd, J, Lin, P, Kasmani, Z, Munsch, C, Rooshenas, L, Campbell, M, and Bach, S. Measures of Performance and Proficiency in Robotic-Assisted Surgery: A Systematic Review. J Robot Surg 2024;18:16.

Hernández, R, de Silva, NL, Hudson, J, Cruickshank, M, Quinton, R, Manson, P, Dhillo, WS, Bhattacharya, S, Brazzelli, M, and Jayasena, CN. Cost-effectiveness of testosterone treatment utilising individual patient data from randomised controlled trials in men with low testosterone levels. Andrology 2024;12(3):477-86.

Hosie, A, Firdaus, M, Clarkson, J, Gupta, E, Laidlaw, L, Lamont, T, Mooney, M, Nevin, G, Ramsay, C, Rutherford, S, Sardo, AM, Soulsby, I, Richards, D, Stirling, D, West, M, and Goulao, B. Citizen science to improve patient and public involvement in GUideline Implementation in oral health and DEntistry (the GUIDE platform). Health Expect 2024;27(1).

Kilonzo, M, Boyers, D, Cooper, D, Davidson, T, Bhal, K, N'Dow, J, MacLennan, G, Norrie, J, and Abdel-Fattah, M. Three-year cost utility analysis of mini versus standard slings: A trial based economic evaluation. BJU Int 2024;5(2):230-39.

King, AJ, Hudson, J, Azuara-Blanco, A, Burr, J, Kernohant, A, Homer, T, Shabaninejad, H, Sparrow, JM, Garway-Heath, D, Barton, K, Norrie, J, Davidson, T, Vale, L, MacLennan, G, and Group, TS. Evaluating Primary Treatment for People with Advanced Glaucoma: Five-Year Results of the Treatment of Advanced Glaucoma Study. Ophthalmology 2024.

Klejnotowska, A, Skea, Z, Cotton, S, and Cruickshank, M. Exploring Opinions and Concerns about the Human Papillomavirus Vaccine on a United Kingdom Online Discussion Forum. Journal of Colposcopy and Lower Genital Tract Pathology 2024;1(3):117-23.

Parker, A, Arundel, C, Clark, L, Coleman, E, Doherty, L, Hewitt, CE, Beard, D, Bower, P, Cooper, C, Culliford, L, Devane, D, Emsley, R, Eldridge, S, Galvin, S, Gillies, K, Montgomery, A, Sutton, CJ, Treweek, S, and Torgerson, DJ. Undertaking Studies Within A Trial to evaluate recruitment and retention strategies for randomised controlled trials: lessons learnt from the PROMETHEUS research programme. Health Technol Assess 2024;28(2):1-114.

Shepherd, V, Joyce, K, Lewis, AL, Flynn, S, Clout, M, Nocivelli, B, Segrott, J, and Treweek, S. Improving the inclusion of an under-served group in trials: development and implementation of the INCLUDE Impaired Capacity to Consent Framework. Trials 2024;25:83.

Treweek, S, Brazzelli, M, Crosse, A, Daga, S, Isaacs, T, Sunga, R, and Collaboration for Change. Using the GRADE Evidence to Decision Framework to reach recommendations together with ethnic minority community organisations: the example of COVID-19 vaccine uptake in the UK. J Clin Epidemiol 2024;168:111268.

van der Pol, M, McDonald, M, Collacott, HE, Dombrowski, S, Harris, F, Kee, F, Avenell, A, Gray, C, Skinner, R, and Hoddinott, P. Designing financial incentives for health behaviour change: a mixed-methods case study of weight loss in men with obesity. J Public Health 2024;32(1):65-77.