Dr Katrin Prager was invited to deliver a keynote address at the 26th European Seminar on Extension & Education (ESEE) in Toulouse, France. Her talk provided a synopsis of the essential role of farm advisors and facilitators in designing and delivering novel agri-environmental contracts. Such contracts are needed to make farming more environmentally friendly, while at the same time supporting farmers’ livelihoods. Dr. Prager drew together insights from her research in European projects Contracts2.0, AgriLink and ProAKIS. Her talk focussed on public policy side of sustainability transitions in agriculture and rural land management, while Julie Ingram (University of Gloucestershire, CCRI) delivered a complimentary keynote with a focus on private finance, including new revenue streams for farmers and emerging markets (such as voluntary carbon markets and natural capital accounting).
Aberdeen geographer gives keynote on Advisors and Facilitators' role in agri-environmental contracts