Café Scientifique City

Café Scientifique City

This is a past event

Coffee and a Slice of Science. Our Café Scientifique series continues throughout Summer/Autumn 2010 in the City.


Cities on Nature’s Hit List Professor Andrew Hurst, University of Aberdeen

With the prospect of sea levels rising through global warming, which of the world’s great cities may be affected first? Come and discuss the effect that climate change may have on our world.

To view the entire Summer/Autumn 2010 series, visit the Cafe Sci Website

About Café Scientifique

Where and When? Usually held on the middle Wednesday of each month at Waterstone's Union Bridge, Café Sci sessions start at 7pm unless otherwise stated.

What's the Cost?All sessions are FREE and open to everyone.  Refreshments will be on sale and proceeds help support the venue cost.  Speakers usually give up their time for free.  Other costs are covered by sponsorship.

New for 2010 - Friends of Café Sci Café Sci goers can enjoy at 10% discount on anything purchased at the Waterstone's tills during any Café Sci session.  Pick up a voucher at the next session.