Living Tales in a Digitised World

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Living Tales in a Digitised World

This is a past event

Elphinstone Institute Public Lecture Series

In an age where everything moves so fast and eyes are glued to screens that are extensions of human minds, the need for the living, breathing word is vital. Story allows listeners to step into the world of their imagination, expanding their senses with colour, sounds, smells, tastes and feelings that are increasingly becoming rare first hand experiences in our digital world.

In this informal and interactive talk, Grace Banks will look at the power of storytelling in an age of screens and machines, with a smattering of creepy tales tae keep y' on yer taes and send shivers up yer spine.

Grace has been telling tales for many years, and benefitted from being with Stanley Robertson, who gave so generously from his wealth of experience. She has co-written two books with Sheena Blackhall and more recently has produced a CD of stories and songs and published a nature resource called 'Tales in your Pocket'. Grace is self-employed, mainly working with schools to support their outdoor experiences, which dovetails beautifully with song and story. She also runs storytelling, singing workshops, and generally loves to support groups of people to enjoy the arts with one another.


Grace Banks
Hosted by
Elphinstone Institute
MacRobert Building

No Booking required

Admission £3.00, students free.

For more information contact the Elphinstone Institute on 01224 272996 or