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Active Projects

Assessing the Impact and Scalability of Participatory Homegrown Programs on Reducing and Redistributing Unpaid Care work among Women in Rwanda: A Case of Reseaux des Femmes' Unpaid Care Work Project in Rwanda

Project duration: 3 years


  • Dr Dickson Malunda, IPAR
  • Prof Pamela Abbott, University of Aberdeen
  • Stephan Sommer



Project Summary

In Rwanda, a local organization is implementing an initiative using a holistic and participatory approach to address systemic barriers faced by rural women. This project will use an experimental design to test scalability and program effectiveness. It will also assess the extent to which benefits can be sustained in the short, medium, and long-term to break ingrained beliefs and power relations that promote gender inequality and the persistence of the unpaid care work burden among women. The research team will actively engage with key policy actors to ensure the work informs actions to build back in a more gender-inclusive manner in the response to COVID-19.


Policy Brief: IPAR (2023) The inequitable burden of unpaid care work in Rwanda. Rwanda: Institute of Policy Analysis and Research - Rwanda (IPAR). Available here (Accessed 12th July 2023).

Associated Content - Videos from IDRC GrOW-East Africa on the strands of work in the funding programme.

All videos copyright of the IDRC 2023. Read more about GrOW here .

Addressing gender inequalities in East Africa: research and policy

Addressing gender inequalities in public procurement programs in East Africa

Enhancing women's employment opportunities: skills-building and work-readiness

Previous Projects

Toward the development of post Covid-19 gender policy measures to end modern slavery and exploitation in the Bangladeshi garment sector

About the project

Lord Provost, Prof Abbott, Prof Islam and Dr Shanks for Anti-Slavery Day, Property of Aberdeen City Council

Professor Islam, Professor Abbott, Lord Provost and Dr Shanks for Anti-Slavery Day 2022, Property of Aberdeen City Council.

Project duration: 2020-2022


  • Prof Muhammad Azizul Islam, Prof Pamela Abbott, Dr Shamima Haque, University of Aberdeen
  • Prof Salma Akhter, University of Dhaka
  • Fiona Gooch, Transform Trade (formerly Traidcraft Exchange)



Project Summary

A research team led by the University of Aberdeen, in collaboration with University of Dhaka and Transform Trade (formerly Traidcraft Exchange), undertook a project to investigate the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on women workers in the garment industry in Bangladesh.

The project's ultimate aim is to provide practical recommendations for the governments and the garment industry in Bangladesh, in the UK and globally, to ensure that factories in Bangladesh are gender-friendly workplaces; that the terms and conditions of employment meet international standards and garment factory workers no longer face exploitative practices.


Research Report: Islam, A.M., Abbott, P., Haque, S. and Gooch, F. (2023) 'Impact of Global Clothing Retailers' Unfair Practices on Bangladeshi Suppliers During COVID-19'.


Transform Trade and University of Aberdeen (2021) 'This is the cost of fast fashion' [Video], 17 June 2021. Available here.


University of Aberdeen (2023) 'The Price of Fashion', Into The Headlines [Video], April 2023.


Presentation to the Bangladesh All-Party Parliamentary Group: Abbott, P. (2023) 'The Impact of Covid-19 on the Readymade Garment Industry in Bangladesh' [Presentation], 05th February 2023. Slides available here

Presentation for 10 Years of Rana Plaza Event: Abbott, P. (2023) 'Fashion Retailers' Unfair Practices During the COVID-19 Crisis' [Video], 24th April 2023.

Training workshop on gender equality and women's empowerment: BRAC University (2023), 'Gender Equality and Women Empowerment in the Bangladesh Ready-Made Garment Industry', [Video], May 2023.

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