Page 1 of 1Results 1 to 7 of 7, 04 - 30 May 2017
New Paper: Sending Messages - How Faculty Influence Professionalism Teaching and Learning
Lorraine Hawick, CHERI PhD student, has had her paper "Sending Messages: How Faculty Influence Professionalism Teaching and Learning" accepted for publication in Medical Teacher. Working with Professor Jen Cleland (University of Aberdeen) and Professor Simon Kitto (University of Ottawa, Canada), the study presented in this paper illustrates that hidden messages...
Centre for Healthcare Education, Research and Innovation launches!
We are delighted to announce the formal launch of CHERI on 31st May 2017. Aberdeen already has a very strong reputation in health professional education for high level, unique, and impactful scholarship that touches on a wide variety of areas. The institutional support and recognition that the formal creation of...
New Paper: The impact of performance in a mandatory postgraduate surgical examination on selection i
Duncan Scrimgeour, PhD candidate and Intercollegiate Research Fellow, has had his paper “The impact of performance in a mandatory postgraduate surgical examination on selection into specialty training” accepted for publication in the British Journal of Surgery (Open access). This study, the first of its kind for the mandatory postgraduate UK surgical...
New Paper: Getting off the Carousel: Exploring the Wicked Problem of Curriculum Reform
Mrs Lorraine Hawick, CHERI PhD student, has had her paper “Getting off the Carousel: Exploring the Wicked Problem of Curriculum Reform” accepted for publication in Perspectives on Medical Education journal. Using empirical data, this paper focuses on complex processes involved in curriculum reform. Working with Professor Jen Cleland (University of...
Dr Walker awarded NHS Education for Scotland 2017 Award for Scholarship
Dr Kim Walker was awarded the NHS Education for Scotland 2017 Award for Scholarship. The award was made at the congress dinner of the 7th Annual Scottish Medical Education Conference, Thursday 4 May, 2017. Kim has held many key roles throughout her career, and in all of them she has...
A cut above at the International Surgical Congress of the Association of Surgeons
Duncan Scrimageour, CHERI PhD candidate and StR in General Surgery, presented his work examining which factors predict performance in the Intercollegiate Membership of the Royal College of Surgeons (MRCS) examination at the International Surgical Congress of the Association of Surgeons of Great Britain and Ireland, 3-5th May, 2017, Glasgow. Duncan’s...
Winning at the 7th Annual Scottish Medical Education Conference
CHERI had an outstanding presence at the 7th Annual Scottish Medical Education Conference (SMEC), 4-5th May, 2017, Edinburgh. With nearly 20 posters and two of only five invited oral presentations, we showcased a wide range of our research activities with an audience of nearly 800 colleagues from across Scotland. A...